About the V REMCYT

The Fifth Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Science and Technology (V REMCYT) will be held in Medellin, Colombia, on November 2-3, 2017, under the theme: Science, Technology and Innovation as Pillars of Transformation in the Americas. The Ministerial Meeting is being organized in conjunction with COLCIENCIAS, the highest authority of Science, Technology and Innovation in Colombia.

The main objective of the V REMCYT will be the adoption a hemispheric cooperation agenda within the framework of the Declaration of Medellin. The Meeting will also provide an opportunity for Ministers and High Level Authorities to report on the progress made towards the implementation of the Plan of Action of Guatemala 2016-2020, adopted during the IV REMCYT in March 2015.

The meeting will address some of the challenges of the region, including: equitable access to technologies; inclusive education in science and technology, engineering and mathematics; generation of high value-added goods and services and creation of quality jobs; production of clean and renewable energy; sustainable transportation; food security at the regional level and how to support technology based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and young entrepreneurs to help them reach their full potential.

Through the exchange of ideas and best practices, Ministers and High Authorities will be invited to reflect on the power of transformative technologies, such as robotics; artificial intelligence; 3D printing; advanced manufacturing; Internet of things; new materials; precision agriculture and personalized medicine, among others, to increase economic and social development of the OAS member states and find solutions to the common challenges of the region.

At the end of the meeting, all official documents, conclusions and results will be published on this webpage.