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Unlawful acts involving alcohol, tobacco or other controlled substances (0602)
It means the “unlawful handling, possession or use of alcohol or tobacco products or other controlled substances for personal consumption and for non-personal consumption.”
INCLUSIONS: Unlawful production, trafficking, distribution, handling, possession or use of alcohol products, tobacco products, or other controlled substances for personal consumption and for
non-personal consumption not described or classified in categories 06021 – 06022 of the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS).
EXCULSIONS: Operating a vehicle under the influence of psychoactive substances (02072); drinking or smoking age violations or selling alcohol or tobacco to a minor (11021); causing death by driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (010321); import/export offences (08042); customs offences (08041).

[Source: International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS), UNODC, Mar 2015, pp.65-67. Web:]