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Attack without a weapon
“ATTACK WITHOUT A WEAPON” includes: Hanging, strangulation or suffocation (X91), drowning or submersion (X92), pushing from a high place (Y01), pushing or placing victim before moving object (Y02), bodily force (Y04), sexual assault (Y05), assault with drugs, chemical or noxious substance (X85 to X90), and “Others”, including: Fire, flames or smoke (X97), Steam, hot vapours or hot objects (X98), Neglect and abandonment (Y06), Other maltreatment syndromes (Y07), Assault by other specified means (Y08).

[Sources: International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS), UNODC, Mar 2015, p.104. Web:
Codes are from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. WHO, 10th Revision (ICD-10), Chapter XX.
What is the ICCS?