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Ministerials Paragraphs Related to the Theme Paragraphs VII Summit

Date:  3/22/2018 
One of the main evidence gaps on migration issues in Central America relates to the limited knowledge available on the magnitude and characteristics of human trafficking undertaken by juvenile criminal gangs, mostly in prejudice of girls and children. IOM supported different initiatives implemented
in Mexico to prevent and combat human trafficking, involving various sectors of the Government at the Federal and State levels, including the judicial sector, the Secretariat of Human Rights and Intersecretarial Commissions, the Secretariat for Foreign Relations and the Prosecutor’s Office. IOM also strengthened government agencies’ capacities in Nicaragua to prevent and combat violence against women, and in particular human trafficking. IOM also conducted work in South America to improve the regions ability to combat human trafficking. In Argentina, IOM worked closely with the National Committee against Human Trafficking to strengthen its capacity. Also, IOM provided technical assistance in designing and implementing migration management procedures to Ecuador’s Ministry of Interior and other institutions to improve border management and prevent human trafficking and migrant smuggling.
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Date:  6/21/2011 
The IOM has partnered with civil society, governments, and international organizations including the OAS, to combat trafficking in persons by implementing dozens of projects in the Americas. These efforts focus on creating and strengthening the capacities of countries to address more adequately different challenges posed by human trafficking, increasingly with a victim-centered approach. Assistance to governments has included developing and bolstering comprehensive legislation, and setting up required infrastructure, such as funding instruments for emergency return and reintegration assistance to victims of trafficking.

IOM’s Counter Human Trafficking projects include conducting research, awareness raising, and training for judges, police and prosecutors on investigation techniques, and victim identification. IOM has recently supported the creation and strengthening of national counter-trafficking coalitions, victim assistance and service providers networks. Comprehensive measures helped implement national and regional information campaigns, support hotlines, and strengthen victim identification to prevent human trafficking.
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