Lesson Plans - Details


  • 25 May 2018
  • Number of views: 9514
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Religious education
Description: Step 1--The teacher asks oral question on some of the people in the Bible. Notes the response on the board and narrows down to the name or names he wants.
Step 2--The teacher now gives an overview of the lesson--explains how Joseph was born and how he grew up, how he was sold by his brothers. Due to his had work and fear he was made one of the leaders in Egypt.
Step 3--The teacher gives time for students to brainstorm what Joseph could have done when he was one of the leaders in Egypt, report their findings through their leaders. The teacher then explains that even though Joseph was sold by his brothers but when the brothers went to look food in Egypt due to famine in Canaan, he gave them warm welcome and treated them well. He even requested them to go and settle with him in Egypt. Joseph did not mistreat his brothers though he had that power.
Step 4--The teacher organizes for the role play just to make the lesson more realistic for learners.

What is leadership?

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: HARRY HANSON
  • Number of views: 9912
What is leadership?
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Social Groups
Description: Engagement: Teacher will create two groups of five students who will compete against to move from one point in the class to another. Students will be placed in a queue, each holding the shoulder of the person in front of him or her. The first four in the line would be blindfolded while person at the back of the line will maintain vision. The person at the back of the line will guide the team across the class, voiding obstacles, using hand signals demonstrated to class by teacher. After activity, students will be asked to identify the leader in each group and to state the type of group that has established leaders. (10 minutes)

Exploration: Following discussion on engagement activity students will be asked to construct a definition of leadership in pairs. Before sharing, students will then watch a video on the types of leadership. Students will create a Pros and Cons Grid (PCG) for each of the leaderships styles identified in the video. (10 minutes)

Explanation: Using round-robin, teacher will solicit responses from students as to the definition of the term leadership and the characteristics of a democratic Leader, an autocratic leader and a laissez faire leader. They will also present the PCG while the other groups will analyize the merit of each point. (20 minutes)

Elaboration: Teacher will asked students what would be qualities of a good leader despite the leadership style of that leader. Students will also be given some examples of school leaders and national leaders and asked to identify the leadership style of each. Students will also explain the importance of leadership in a group. (10 minutes)