Lesson Plans - Details

Hispanic Countries

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Sasha-Gay Porter-Dwyer
  • Number of views: 13746
Hispanic Countries
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Hispanic Countries
Description: 1. Students will place themselves in groups of threes. A member of each group will select a strip with a Hispanic country. Students will be required to conduct a brief research on the selected Hispanic country. They will provide information on the following: capital, location, flag of the country, religions practiced, main exports, any information of interest. Each group will receive copies of the book World Atlas and a tablet. Each group will also receive a link to website. 2. Groups will then present their information in a creative manner. 3. Each group will be required to provide feedback at the end of each presentation.


  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Kemoy Thomas
  • Number of views: 10128
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Life skills
Topic: Careers in the Fashion Industry
Description: The objectives of the lesson were written on the board and explained, along with the expectations for the class.
Students will be asked to define and explain the difference between a job and a career and List careers that are directly or indirectly linked to the fashion industry. Students will make notes and ask questions for clarification and participate in discussion session by answering questions pertaining to careers.
Teacher Will discuss with students the various roles performed by employees in the fashion industry. Handouts will be distributed. Students Will make the necessary notes, sign for, collect and read through handouts. They Will ask questions for clarity.
Teacher Will discuss with students the skills required for entry into specific occupations in the fashion industry and the opportunities that can be sought for employment in the fashion and garment industry teacher Will allow students to demonstrate safe personal presentation standards in the workplace. Students Will make the necessary notes and ask questions for clarification and take the necessary notes for reading. Teacher will supervise students as they work in pairs to research information on Careers and also to view videos of careers in the Clothing and Fashion Industry. Students will watch videos on YouTube of individuals talking about the various careers in the Clothing and Fashion Industry.