Lesson Plans - Details

Conserving can save millions of dollars in the future

  • 11 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 8073
Conserving can save millions of dollars in the future
Students’ age range: 14-16
Topic: Energy Conservation
Description: 1. The teacher will show a video which outlines energy being wasted. They will identify ways in which energy is been wasted, then provide measures that can be implemented to correct such practices. They will identify ways in which energy is been wasted, then provide measures that can be implemented to correct such practices.The teacher will employ the academic conversation skills method whereby she will pose the following theme ‘Conserving can save millions of dollars in the future’.Students will engage in meaningful conversations.The teacher will place students in two groups to go to different área within their school to do an energy audit.Students will go round and identify situations/áreas where energy is being wasted and prepare a report to be given to the principal.The teacher will instuct students to design a poster that is based on the theme ‘Energy Conservation at School/Home’. Students will be expected to do a presentation about their posters infront of their classmates and other peers and teachers and a winner will be selected at the end.Students will design their poster and make their presentation. The teacher will ask students how long they use various equipment in the home and when not in use what do they do?.The students will write this down on a piece of paper, then when called upon by the teacher will present what they have.

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