- English
April 27, the OAS received 15 undergraduate students from American University. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Main Building. Irene Klinger, Director, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations gave an overview of the Organization. The program was concluded with comments by Ambassador Javier Sancho, Permanent Observer of Spain to the OAS.
April 23, the OAS received 25 students from Morgan State University. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Main Building and gave an overview of the organization. Annie Mercure, Haiti Task Force Coordinator, Office of the Assistant Secretary General, concluded the session by outlining the programs the OAS has developed in Haiti, focused on relief efforts to support the country after the earthquake in January 2010.
April 22, the OAS received 15 American Foreign Service Association retired professionals. They were guided on a tour through the Main Building by Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations. Sherry Stephenson, Head, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations gave an overview of the organization.
April 14, the OAS received 35 high school students from the Washington School from Buenos Aires - Argentina. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Building and gave an overview of the organization. Luis Consuegra, Specialist, MOAS Program, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations concluded the session by outlining the Model OAS.
April 12, the OAS received 35 Mexican professionals with the Washington Center for Internships. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Main Building and gave an overview of the organization. Danielle Sotomayor, Human Resources Specialist, Department of Human Resources, Secretariat for Administration and Finances gave an informative presentation on Communication and Negotiation Skills.
April 9, the OAS received 8 professionals with Meridian International Center. They were guided on a tour through the OAS Main Building by Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations. Sherry Stephenson, Head, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations gave an overview of the organization. Mark Lambrides, Head, Energy and Climate Change, Department of Sustainable Development, Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, gave an informative briefing on Alternative Energies and Energy Efficiency, concluding the program with a Question and Answer session.
April 8, the OAS received 17
April 6, the OAS received 11 students from Hadley-Luzerne High School. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Building and gave an overview of the organization. Nelly Robinson, MOAS Program Coordinator, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations outlined the Model OAS. Adriana Ospina, Docent, Art Museum of the Americas, Department of Cultural Services, Secretariat for External Relations, conducted the students on a tour through the Permanent Collection of the Art Museum of the Americas.
April 1, the OAS received 30 high school students with Partners of the Americas – Youth Ambassadors Program. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Building. Pablo Zuñiga, Deputy Director, Department of State Modernization and Good Governance, Secretariat for Political Affairs gave an overview of the organization. Juliana Bedoya, OAS Focal Point on Youth, Department of Culture and Education, Executive Secretariat for Integral Development proceeded with an overview on the projects of the OAS for the youth in the Americas. Adriana Ospina, Docent, Art Museum, Department of Cultural Services, Secretariat for External Relations, conducted the students on a tour through the Permanent Collection of the Art Museum of the Americas, concluding the session.
March 31, the OAS received 30 students from the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Main Building and gave an overview on the Organization. Nelly Robinson, MOAS Program Coordinator, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations gave an overview of the Model OAS. Adriana Ospina, Docent, Art Museum of the Americas, Department of Cultural Services, Secretariat for External Relations, conducted the students on a tour through the Permanent Collection of the Art Museum of the Americas.
March 30, the OAS received 45 military from the Western Hemispheric Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC). Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Building. Irene Klinger, Director, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations, gave an overview of the organization. Juan Pablo Alban, Specialist, Executive Secretariat for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights gave a specialized briefing on Human Rights. Raul Lago, Principal Specialist, Secretariat for Political Affairs spoke on the importance of promoting democracy throughout the Hemisphere. Ambassador Alexandre Addor-Neto, Secretary, Secretariat for Multidimensional Security, concluded the session with a briefing on Security issues.
March 29, the OAS received 12 students from Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Argentina, 6 from Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Guatemala, and 10 students from El Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Main Building. Yadira Soto, Advisor to the ASG, Office of the Assistant Secretary General, gave an overview of the organization. Nelly Robinson, MOAS Program Coordinator, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations gave an overview of the Model OAS. Betty Arevalo, HR Specialist, Department of Human Resources, Secretariat for Administration and Finances, concluded the session by outlining the OAS Internship Program.
March 29, the OAS received 46 students from the University of the West Indies. The session started with comments by Ambassador Deborah Mae Lovell, Permanent Representative of Antigua and Barbuda to the OAS. Irene Klinger, Director, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations, gave an overview of the organization. Betty Arevalo, HR Specialist, Department of Human Resources, Secretariat for Administration and Finances, outlined the OAS Internship Program. Patricia Quiroz, Coordinator, OAS Scholarships program for Academic Studies; Carmen Loredo, Program Officer, OAS Scholarships Program for Academic Studies; and Lucrecia Zea -Yonker, Professional Development Scholarship Program Unit, Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, spoke about the OAS Scholarship Programs. In addition, joining the session were Sherry Tross, Chief of Staff, Office of the ASG as well as Kevin Isaac, Advisor, Office of the ASG, Sonia Johnny, Sr. Political Advisor, Summit Secretariat, and Paul Spencer, Advisor, Secretariat for Political Affairs addressed the students and concluded with a Q & A session.
March 26, the OAS received 39 WAMUNC (Washington Area Model United Nations Conference) participants. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Main Building. Nelly Robinson, MOAS Program Coordinator, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations proceeded by outlining the Model OAS. Adriana Ospina, Docent, Art Museum of the Americas, Department of Cultural Services, Secretariat for External Relations, conducted the students on a tour through the Permanent Collection of the Art Museum of the Americas, concluding the session.
March 26, the OAS received 85 students and from Robert E. Lee High School. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Main Building. Nelly Robinson, MOAS Program Coordinator, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations proceeded by outlining the Model OAS. Adriana Ospina, Docent, Art Museum of the Americas, Department of Cultural Services, Secretariat for External Relations, conducted the students on a tour through the Permanent Collection of the Art Museum of the Americas.
March 25, the OAS received 26 North Warren High School and 5 Lake George High School students. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations guided them on a tour through the Historical OAS Building. Nelly Robinson, MOAS Program Coordinator, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations proceeded by outlining the Model OAS. Adriana Ospina, Docent, Art Museum of the Americas, Department of Cultural Services, Secretariat for External Relations, concluded the session by conducted the students on a tour through the Permanent Collection of the Art Museum of the Americas.
March 23,
the OAS received 22 students from Queensbury High School. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations guided them on a tour through the Historical OAS Building. Nelly Robinson, MOAS Program Coordinator, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations proceeded by outlining the Model OAS. The program concluded with comments by Ambassador Lionel Maza Luna, Alternate Representative of Guatemala to the Organization of American States.
March 19,
the OAS received 14 students from Holton Arms High School. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Building. Richard Huber, Chief, Department of Sustainable Development, Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, gave an overview of the Organization with emphasis on sustainable development and the environment. Adriana Ospina, Docent, Art Museum of the Americas, Department of Cultural Services, Secretariat for External Relations, conducted the students on a tour through the Permanent Collection of the Art Museum of the Americas, concluding the session.
On March 10
, the OAS received 80 professionals from the American Institute of Architecture (AIA). Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations, escorted the group on a guided tour of the OAS Historical Main Building. Dr. Isabelle Gournay, Associate Professor, School of Architecture of the University of Maryland, spoke on Paul Crét, his mastery and the techniques of the Beaux-Arts design he used in winning the competition as architect for the Organization of American States. The group then adjourned to the Art Museum of the Americas where David Knapp, Senior Associate at H2L2 Architects, Philadelphia, Pa. gave a power point presentation on the historical architecture of the OAS Main Building. The event finalized with a reception for the AIA participants.
March 9,
the OAS received 8 Maryland Global Language Center professionals. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted on a tour through the Historical OAS Building and gave them an overview of the Organization. Adriana Ospina, Docent, Art Museum of the Americas, Department of Cultural Services, Secretariat for External Relations, concluded the visit with a tour through the Permanent Collection of the Art Museum of the Americas.
March 2,
the OAS received 35 Ibo-American Professionals enrolled in the program Latin
American Board at Georgetown University. They were greeted and escorted on a
tour through the Historical OAS Building by Aline Hommes, Specialist,
Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations.
Irene Klinger, Director, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat
for External Relations, gave an overview of the Organization. Adriana Ospina,
Docent, Art Museum, Department of Cultural Services, Secretariat for
External Relations, conducted the group on a tour through the Permanent
Collection of the Art Museum of the Americas.
March 1,
the OAS received 11 graduate students from Washington College of Law and 9
graduate students from Towson University. The students were greeted and
escorted on a tour through the Historical OAS Main Building by Aline Hommes,
Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External
Relations. Irene Klinger, Director, Department of International Affairs,
Secretariat for External Relations, gave an overview of the Organization.
Mario Lopez, Senior Specialist, Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American
Commission of Human Rights gave an overview on human rights. Luis Toro,
Senior Legal Officer, Department of International Law, Secretariat for Legal
Affairs, concluded the session with a briefing on International Law.
February 23,
the OAS received 8 professionals with Meridian International Center. Aline
Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for
External Relations guided the group on a tour through the OAS Historic
Building. Sherry Stephenson, Head, Institutional Relations, Department of
International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations gave an overview
of the organization. Jean Ricot Dormeus, Advisor, Office of the Assistant
Secretary General gave an informative briefing on Haiti, and concluded the
visit with a Q & A session.
February 22,
the Institute of International Education requested a visit for 17
Professionals with La Fundación Universitaria del Río de la Plata, Aline
Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for
External Relations guided the group on a tour through the OAS Historic
Building. Irene Klinger, Director, Department of International Affairs,
Secretariat for External Relations gave an overview of the organization.
Yeruti Mendez, Director, Capacitating and Technology, of the Young Americas
Business Trust gave a briefing on the work of the YABT. The program
concluded with comments by Ana Pastorino, Counselor of the Permanent Mission
of Argentina to the OAS on the role of the Argentinean Mission as a
Permanent Member to the Organization.
February 19,
the OAS received 28 students from the Escuela Americana in El Salvador.
Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat
for External Relations gave the students a tour of the Historic Main
Building and an overview on the Organization. Adriana Ospina, Docent, Art
Museum of the Americas, Department of Cultural Services, Secretariat for
External Relations, concluded the visit with a tour of the Permanent
Collection of the Art Museum of the Americas.
February 19,
the OAS received 16 Foreign Service Institute professionals. The group
received a guided tour of the Historic Main Building by Aline Hommes,
Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External
Relations. Sherry Stephenson, Head, Department of International Affairs,
Secretariat for External Relations gave an overview of the organization, and
concluded the program with a Q & A session.
February 17,
the OAS received 9 Professionals with Meridian International Center. Aline
Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for
External Relations guided them on a tour through the Main Historic Building.
Cesar Parga, Senior Specialist, Department of Economic Development, Trade
and Tourism, Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, gave an
overview of the organization and an informative briefing focused on
globalization and trade issues.
February 4,
73 OAS Interns were given a guided tour of the Historic Main Building by
Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat
for External Relations. The tour also included a walk through the
underground tunnel entitled “Roots of Peace”, painted by Uruguayan artist
Carlos Páez Vilaro. The second stop of the tour was at the Columbus Memorial
Library, with information provided by Stella Villagran, Reference Librarian,
Columbus Memorial Library, Department of the Assistant Secretary General,
and concluded with a viewing of the Permanent Collection at the Art Museum,
with Adriana Ospina, Docent, Art Museum of the Americas, Department of
Cultural Services, Secretariat for External Relations.
February 3,
the OAS received 22 American University students. They were welcomed and
guided on a tour through the OAS Main Building by Aline Hommes, Specialist,
Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations. The
OAS overview was given by Sherry Stephenson, Head, Institutional Relations,
Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations.
Victor Madrigal, Principal Specialist, Inter-American Commission on Human
Rights, concluded the visit with a presentation on human rights and a Q and
A session with the students.
February 1,
the OAS received 31 Members of the Canadian Forces College. Aline Hommes,
Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External
Relations guided them on a tour through the OAS Historic Main Building. Adam
Blackwell, Secretary, Secretariat for External Relations, gave an overview
of the organization. Alexandre Addor-Neto, Secretary, Secretariat for
Multidimensional Security, gave an informative presentation on
Multidimensional Security. The program concluded with comments by Ambassador
Graeme Clark, Permanent Representative of Canada to the Organization of
American States, on the role of the Canadian Mission as a Permanent Member
to the OAS.
January 29,
the OAS received 42 International Relations and Organizations students from
American University. The students were greeted and escorted on a tour
through the Historical OAS Building by Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department
of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations. Sherry
Stephenson, Head, Institutional Relations, Department of International
Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations, gave an overview of the
Organization. Nelly Robinson, MOAS Coordinator, Department of International
Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations, concluded the visit by
outlining the MODEL OAS Program.
January 29,
the OAS received 7 Canadian Advanced Leadership Program (ALP) professionals;
the group was welcomed and guided on a tour through the Historical OAS Main
Building by Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs,
Secretariat for External Relations. Alfonso Quiñonez, Secretary, Executive
Secretariat for Integral Development, proceeded with an overview of the
Organization. The program concluded with Ambassador Graeme Clark, Permanent
Representative of Canada to the OAS and Swathi Kappagantula, Alternate
Representative discussing the role of the Canadian Mission as a Permanent
Member to the Organization of American States.
Jan. 19th, 12 members of H2L2 Architects received a tour of the Historic
OAS Main Building by Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International
Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations. The members received a power
point presentation on the OAS Main Building, grounds, and facilities in
preparation for the architectural exhibit of the up-coming OAS Centennial.
January 15,
Jonathan Rogers, Elvis Santiago, and Viviane Vicente, LL.M. Candidates,
National Security and U.S. Foreign Relations Law at George Washington
University Law School, and presently interning for the Inter-American
Defense Board visited the Organization. The students were given a tour of
the OAS Main Building and an overview on the work of the Organization by
Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat
for External Relations.