Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)

OAS :: SEDI :: Department of Social Inclusion


Political dialogue for the consolidation of hemispheric consensus. The DIS provides substantive services as technical secretary to several high-level political forums, in order to facilitate the construction of consensus, the definition of priorities and actions to follow at an hemispheric level, in the areas of inclusion and social development, labor and employment, migration and attention for vulnerable groups. In its efforts, the DIS produces technical inputs for the planning, programming and development of these forums, and provides technical support in the identification, design and implementation of actions and programs to help strengthen the work of the governments in these areas. In the same manner, taking into consideration that the inclusion approach is transversal to the work of the OAS in the region, the DIS will help guarantee the incorporation of this approach in the political dialogue forums of the SG/OAS in general, and within the framework of the SEDI.  

Cooperation networks and information systems for the strengthening of institutional capacity. The DIS constitutes, operates and monitors cooperation networks, coordinates information Systems and facilitates spaces for training and cooperation between peers, with the objective of strengthening the institutional capacities of the national agencies responsible for inclusion and social development, labor and employment, migration and attention for vulnerable groups. In this effort, the DIS facilitates Exchange of information and experiences, identifies successful experiences and provides training to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of policies, programs and projects in these areas.

Promote the compliance with hemispheric legal frameworks. The DIS supports the compliance with hemispheric legal frameworks regarding development, social inclusion and non-discrimination of groups in vulnerable situations, in order to achieve an effective enforcement of economic, social and cultural rights.

Promote cooperation programs and projects. The DIS supports the design and implementation of programs and projects of partnership cooperation, of bilateral cooperation (OAS to countries, for country to country facilitated by the OAS) and of regional cooperation in the issues covered by the DIS.