Media Center

Press Release


  September 30, 2009

The Special General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) adopted Wednesday the Program-Budget of the Organization for 2010, based on a proposal for the Permanent Council by the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza. The budget appropriates 178 million dollars, of which 90.1 million are included in the Regular Fund of the Organization, and 88 million come from voluntary funds and contributions to specific projects.

“Our aim is clear: we want to guide the Organization on the basis of clear goals and priorities, achieving at the same time a rational management of resources to ensure that the Organization improves its abilities to maintain peace, promote democracy, defend human rights, protect our citizens and make sure that development reaches each and every one of them,”, Secretary General Insulza said.

The level adopted for the Regular Fund is essentially the same authorized for 2009, without increase in quotas and even with a symbolic reduction in them. The decrease in contributions from Member States, which amounts to approximately 79,000 dollars and exclusively affects Fiscal Year 2010, represents a gesture of support and solidarity with the economies of Member States in the current international economic context.

However, Secretary General Insulza warned Member States that reserves will run out in 2010 and the Organization will be “left exposed to the difficult tasks that it is required to fulfill, and therefore it will be necessary in the future to reduce the budget in real terms, which will force terminating many programs currently being developed by the General Secretariat.”

Among other changes, and responding to the support offered by Governments in the hemisphere to the Inter-American Commission and Court on Human Rights, the Assembly adopted an increase of 23 percent in the line item for staff at the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and an increase in the line item for “other expenditures” to duplicate the meager salaries currently received by judges of the Court and Members of the Commission.

The Thirty-Eighth Special Session of the OAS General Assembly authorized the Secretary General to increase by 55,000 dollars the amount for the Court that now totals 1.9 million dollars.

Reference: E-314/09