The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) adopted on Friday, February 23, by 19 votes in favor, 5 against, 8 abstentions and 2 absences, the Resolution on the Latest Events in Venezuela.
The text of the resolution, including the complete footnotes, is available here .
CP/RES. 1095 (2145/18)
(Adopted by the Permanent Council at its special session held on February 23, 2018)
CONSIDERING that the announcement of the Venezuelan Government to advance the date of the presidential elections to April 22nd 2018 precludes the exercise of democratic, transparent and credible elections in accordance with international standards, and contradicts democratic principles and good faith;
TAKING NOTE of the report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, "Democratic Institutions, the Rule of Law and Human Rights in Venezuela", published on February 12, 2018, which reflects the political, economic, social and humanitarian crisis in that country, and
RECOGNIZING that a free and fair electoral process is critical to resolving the current crisis in a peaceful and democratic manner, and the only possible path to the rule of law in Venezuela,
1. To call on the Government of Venezuela to reconsider the convening of the presidential elections and to present a new electoral calendar that enables the carrying out of elections with all necessary guarantees of a free, fair, transparent, legitimate and credible process, including the participation of all Venezuelan political parties and actors without any kind of exclusion, independent international observers, free and equal access to public media, and with a National Electoral Council whose composition ensures its independence and autonomy and is trusted by all political actors.
2. To request the Government of Venezuela to implement the measures necessary to prevent the worsening of the humanitarian situation, including accepting the assistance offered by the international community.
3. To remain seized of the situation in Venezuela and reiterate its willingness to support measures that allow the return to democratic order and social peace through the effective exercise of democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law within the constitutional framework of Venezuela and consistent with its international obligations and commitments.
1. Bolivia rejects the present resolution inasmuch as it was adopted in violation of Article 48 of the Rules of Procedure of the Permanent Council and the founding principles of the OAS Charter. …
2. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically rejects this new aggression by a group of OAS member states that persist in their attempt to exercise tutelage over Venezuela, …
Reference: E-004/18