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OAS Committee of Anti-Corruption Experts to Hold Plenary Meeting

  March 15, 2013

The Committee of Experts of the Mechanism for Follow-up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC) of the Organization of American States (OAS) will hold its 21st Meeting from March 18 to 22 at the headquarters of the hemispheric organization in Washington, DC.

The Secretary General of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza, will participate in the opening session of the meeting on Monday, March 18 at 11:00 EDT (15:00 GMT). Previously, at 9:00 EDT (13:00 GMT), the Committee will hold, for the first time, a meeting with representatives of civil society organizations. Both events will be broadcast live through the website of the OAS.

During the five day meeting, representatives of Member States will evaluate the main organs of control of corruption in Argentina, Costa Rica, Honduras, Peru and Trinidad and Tobago, countries which received in October 2012, with their consent, the “on site” visit of MESICIC. At the end of the meeting, the Committee is expected to adopt the reports of these five states, which will be added to the reports from the Fourth Round adopted last September related to Bolivia, Brazil, El Salvador, Mexico and Paraguay. The reports adopted by the Committee, as well as the aforementioned are available here.

WHAT: Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the OAS Anticorruption Mechanism (MESICIC)

WHEN: Monday, March 18, 2013, 9:00 EDT (13:00 GMT) and 11:00 EDT (15:00 GMT)

WHERE: Padilha Vidal Room. OAS General Secretariat Building. 1889 F Street. Washington, DC. 20006

Reference: AVI-070/13