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Date:  12/12/2017 
ECLAC has worked in energy cooperation through the program BIEE (Base de indicadores de Eficiencia Energética) that seeks to generate a database - both at national and regional level – which will serve to measure the performance of energy efficiency policies, and formulate policies and programmes. In addition, since February 2015, ECLAC has been a member of the United Nations "SE4ALL/Americas" initiative, which pursues the following objectives: a) ensure universal access to modern energy services; (b) double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency; and c) duplicate the participation of renewable energies in overall energy mix.

With respect to raising awareness in the field of sustainable energy, ECLAC has held several Political Dialogues on energy efficiency issues.
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Date:  4/11/2017 
Several of ECLAC’s energy activities during 2016 have been coordinated with the IADB (which is the chair of the SE4ALL initiative in the region) and with OLADE. In this context, was strengthened the regional program BIEE ( which presents energy efficiency indicators, and is an initiative of ECLAC financed by GIZ of Germany. Furthermore, the VII Regional Political Dialog on Energy Efficiency was held during 2016 which provided recommendations from countries’ experiences. One example of this was to create the Regional Observatory on Sustainable Energies which is slated to begin toward the end of 2017.
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Date:  6/8/2016 
ECLAC has worked strongly in the field of energy cooperation through the BIEE Program (Base de Indicadores de Eficiencia Energética) which has the goal of building a database – both at national and regional level – that helps measure the performance of the energy efficiency policies and to formulate policies and programs supported with proper information. In only four years, ECLAC has incorporated – in an official and committed manner – all Latin American countries. In addition, since February 2015, ECLAC is member of the UN initiative “SE4ALL/Americas”, which is headed in the region by the IADB, and has the following objectives: a) ensure universal access to modern energy services; b) doubling the world rate of improvement on energy efficiency; c) doubling the share of renewable energies in the global energy matrix.
Regarding the awareness in sustainable energies, during November 2015, ECLAC hosted the VI edition of "Dialogo Político Regional en Eficiencia Energética", with the sponsorship of CAF, IADB, UNEP, World Bank, ADEME/France, Latin American Parliament, and the International Energy Agency, with the objective of promoting energy production and consumption patterns that allow to reach better efficiency levels and conservation of energy, through actions of awareness done not only by government boards and firms, but also with parliaments. Finally, among other ECLAC activities related with the energy sector, it was released a document about the challenges that face Energy Services Enterprises to consolidate financing for energy efficiency issues.
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