Derniers événements et cérémonies

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« décembre 2004 »

Government of Israel Makes a Financial Contribution to the OAS Special Mission for Strengthening Democracy in Haiti

Date: 16 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Wshington DC.
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Government of Korea makes a financial contribution to the OAS Inter-American Forum on Political Parties in Central America and the Caribbean

Date: 16 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Signing of "Lecture Series of the Americas" agreement between the Peruvian Government and the OAS

Date: 15 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Regular Meeting of the Permanent Council

Date: 15 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Main Building, Salon de las Americas, Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Ambassador Manuel Maria Caceres, Permanent Representative of Paraguay to the OAS, speaks for the first time in the Permanent Council

Date: 15 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Main Building, Salon de las Americas, Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Ambassador Deborah Mae-Lovell, Permanent Representative of Antigua y Barbuda to the OAS, speaks for the first time in the Permanent Council

Date: 15 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Main Building, Salon de las Americas, Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Presentation Of the Credentials of the New Permanent Representative of Paraguay to the OAS, Manuel Maria Caceres

Date: 14 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Special Meeting of the Permanent Council “A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility” (Report of the United Nations High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Changes)

Date: 12 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Main Building Hall of the Americas, Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Ambassador Juan Manuel Romero de Terreros Castilla, Permanent Observer of España to the OAS, speaks for the first time in the Permanent Council

Date: 8 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Ambassador Duly Brutus, Permanent Representative of Haiti to the OAS, speaks in the Permanent Council

Date: 8 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Ambassador Luis Enrique Chase Plate, Permanent Representative of  Paraguay to the OAS, Makes His Farewell Remarks

Date: 8 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Main Building, Salon de las Americas, Washington DC.
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Regular Meeting of the Permanent Council

Date: 8 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Main Building, Salon de las Americas, Washington DC.
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Agreement between Netherlands Government and OAS for 953,778 euro Donation to Support Peace Program in Colombia

Date: 7 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Thirty-Sixth Regular Session of CICAD – First Plenary Session – Election of the Chair and Vice Chair of CICAD

Date: 7 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Thirty-Sixth Regular Session of CICAD

Date: 7 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Instrument of Ratification of Adhesion to the Inter-American Convention on restitution the International of minors- and Agreement between the Secretary General of the Organization of the American States and the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua relative to the accomplishment of 66 ordinary period of sessions of Inter-American committee in Managua, Nicaragua. Between February 28th and March 11, 2005

Date: 6 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
The Ambassador of Belize to the United States and to the Organization of American States, Lisa Shoman and the Ambassador of Paraguay to the Organization of American States, Luis Enrique Chase Plate, on Behalf of Their Governments Signed the Agreement in Which Diplomatic Relations are Established

Date: 6 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
The D.C Youth Orchestra during their concert held on December 4th, 2004, in the Main Building of the Organization of American States

Date: 6 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Signing of the Agreement between the Electoral National Court of the Republic of Bolivia and the OAS, on the Procedure of the Electoral Observation in the Occasion of the Municipal Elections of December 5, 2004

Date: 6 décembre 2004
Lieu: Electoral National Court of the Republic of Bolivia
Photos: Stalin Cardona
Signing of the “Agreement between the Government of Bolivia and the OAS Relating to the Privileges and Immunities for the Observers of the Municipal Elections to be held on December 5, 2004”

Date: 3 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The Acting Secretary General to the OAS, Ambassador Luigi R. Einaudi and the Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Canada to the OAS, Paul Durand, signed a grant agreement for CAN$5.0 million to support the work of the OAS Special Mission for Strengthening Democracy in Haiti, and, in particular, the Organization's Electoral Technical Assistance Project in that country.

Date: 3 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Signing of the 'Agreement of Technical Cooperation Between the Electoral Court of the Republic of Panama and the Secretary General of the Organization of American States to Prompt the Use of Electronic Voting in Panama."

Date: 1 décembre 2004
Lieu: OAS - Washington DC.
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA