Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation
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Dominica - General Elections on December 8, 2014

Preliminary Report of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission In Dominica
December 9, 2014

The Electoral Observation Mission of the Organization of American States (OAS/EOM) in Dominica, led by the OAS Secretary for Multidimensional Security, Adam Blackwell, who was designated by Secretary General José Miguel Insulza, congratulates the citizens of the Commonwealth of Dominica for exercising their civic-minded spirit in a very orderly and respectful manner on Election Day.

The Mission congratulates Prime Minister-elect Roosevelt Skerrit and the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) for their victory in yesterday’s General Election and recognizes the efforts undertaken by the Electoral Commission and the Chief Elections Office to organize the electoral process and ensure that the elections were carried out successfully.

The Mission focused its observation activities on gathering information about the status of the recommendations made by the OAS/EOM in 2009. On Election Day, the members of the delegation visited the country’s 21 constituencies, and observed the voting process from the opening of the polls to the transmission of the preliminary results.

Observers noted that the polling stations opened on time, were adequately staffed and fully equipped with all of the materials required for the election. The Mission highlights the professional and deliberate conduct of the poll workers, who were very well trained and facilitated the voting process for the electorate. In addition, the Mission would like to emphasize the commitment of voters, who waited calmly and patiently, in some cases in long lines, to exercise their franchise.

The OAS/EOM supports the introduction of new translucent ballot boxes and additional security measures to safeguard the votes and strengthen the transparency of the electoral process.