

Weekly Virtual Forum “Inter-American law in times of pandemic”

Session Schedule: Click aquí
Where: Online

*Tuesday, May 26, 2020 - 11:00 a. m. EST

"Legal and Institutional Strengthening to Combat Corruption"

This session sought to foster a discussion on the strengthening of legal and institutional measures to combat corruption in the context of the ongoing pandemic.

l Kevin Casas-Zamora
, Secretary-General of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA).
l Camila Colares Bezerra, Head of the Special Advisory for International Affairs, Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil / Chair of the Conference of States Parties to the MESICIC.
Miguel Cortes, Public Ethics Prosecutor of Costa Rica / Chairman of the MESICIC Committee of Experts.

Moderator: Jorge García González, Director, Department of Legal Cooperation, Secretariat for Legal Affairs, OAS.

*This session was conducted in Spanish, with no simultaneous interpretation provided.

n Agenda: Click here

n Video: Click here