
Sessions of the CAJP

April 28, 2023 - Eleventh special meeting of the CAJP on good practices by each official public defender institution in the region aimed at ensuring access to justice for mental health service users.

March 31, 2022 - Tenth special meeting on autonomous official public defenders as a guarantee of access to justice for women in vulnerable situations.

April 30, 2021 - Ninth special meeting on best practices used by each official public defense institution of the region to guarantee indigenous peoples access to justice in defense of their human rights.


June 25, 2020 - Eighth special meeting on the mechanisms for detention center monitoring in place in each official public defender institution in the region (virtual).

April 4, 2019 - Seventh special meeting on mechanisms for detention center monitoring in place in each official public defender institution in the region .

April 5, 2018 - Sixth Special Meeting on Autonomous Offical Public Defenders as a Guarantee of Access to Justice for Vulnerable Groups.

March 16, 2017 - Fifth Special Meeting on Methods Being Implemented by Each Public Defender Institution in the Region for the Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel and Degrading Treatment and Punishment.

March 3, 2016 - Special Meeting on the Exchange of Best Practices and Experiences with Public Defenders as a Guarantee of Access to Justice for Persons in Situations of Vulnerability.

March 17, 2015 - Special Meeting on the Exchange of Best Practices and Experiences with Public Defenders as a Guarantee of Access to Justice for Persons in Situations of Vulnerability .

March 21, 2014 - Special Meeting on the Exchange of Best Practices and Experience with Public Defenders as a Guarantee of Access to Justice for Persons in Situations of Vulnerability.

  • Agenda (CP/CAJP-3191/13 rev. 3)

  • Report on Best Practices on Access to Justice and Public Defenders in the Americas [Document prepared by the Department of International Law in accordance with General Assembly resolution AG/RES. 2714 (XLII-O/12)] (CP/CAJP-3214/14 rev. 1)

March 7, 2013 - Special Meeting on the Exchange of Best Practices and Experience with Public Defenders as a Guarantee of Access to Justice for Persons in Situations of Vulnerability.

  • Agenda (CP/CAJP-3108/12 rev. 6)

  • Presentación de la Asociación Interamericana de Defensorías Públicas (AIDEF) (CP/CAJP-3108/12 rev. 6 add. 1) *only Spanish

  • Presentación de la Defensa Pública de Costa Rica (CP/CAJP-3108/12 rev. 6 add. 2) *only Spanish

  • Presentación del Defensor Nacional de Chile (CP/CAJP-3108/12 rev. 6 add. 3) *only Spanish

  • Presentación de la Secretaría de Asuntos Jurídicos de la Secretaría General de la OEA (CP/CAJP-3108/12 rev. 6 add. 4) *only Spanish

  • Texto remitido por el "Instituto Brasileiro de Fluencia" Organización de la sociedad civil registrada en la OEA (CP/CAJP-3108/12 rev. 6 add. 5) *only Spanish

  • Remarks of the Representative from the United States of America Maha Jweied, Senior Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice - Access to Justice Initiative (CP/CAJP-3108/12 rev. 6 add. 6) *only Spanish

  • Parámetros de medición de las Defensas Públicas: compilación de respuestas al cuestionario elaborado por el Comité Ejecutivo de la AIDEF (Aporte de la Asociación Interamericana de Defensorías Públicas “AIDEF”, Organización de la Sociedad Civil registrada en la OEA, en preparación para la Sesión Especial) (CP/CAJP-3108/12 rev. 2 add. 1) *only Spanish