Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)

Department of Economic Development 

Culture in Development: An Inter-American Information Network

OAS Member States have acknowledged the fundamental role of culture in the economic, social and human development of the region. Nevertheless it is important to strengthen this role in society and in all government sectors. This project has its genesis in these requests from Member States, civil society organizations, private sector associations, and international organizations to strengthen and expand opportunities for meaningful, structured dialogue on culture in development.


The purpose of this project was to create a network composed of Member States, civil society and international organizations aimed at (1) facilitating the design and implementation of public policies in culture by Member States, (2) strengthening Member States’ human and institutional capacities to carry out cultural development initiatives; and (3) promoting awareness of culture’s potential to contribute to economic growth and social inclusion.


The project had three components:

  1. A communications campaign on the importance of arts and culture as generators of economic growth, social inclusion and stronger democratic values.
  2. A website on cultural policies to exchange information among policy makers, legislators, civil society representatives, and the private sector on national policy frameworks, documentation of policy trends, and reports on the performance of culture in the economies of the region, among others.
  3. A network of policy makers, civil society, private sector and international organizations that work in the field of culture to promote exchange of experiences and programs, facilitate collaboration and encourage coordination with other organizations to position culture as an engine of economic growth and social development.

Documents of the Project:

Executive Summary

Presentation at the IV Ministerial Meeting on Culture

SEDI/OEC Video Towards a Culture of Non-Violence.


This short video was produced by the Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) and it highlights arts and culture-based programs that have brought about positive change in economically and socially vulnerable communities in the Americas. To see the video , please click here.