Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity (SARE)

Protocol of San Salvador: Civil Society

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Consultation with civil society on the Document “Progress Indicators for Measuring Rights Under the Protocol of San Salvador”, between March and November, 2011

                            Indicadores de Progreso para medición de derechos contemplados en el Protocolo de San Salvador

Other Consultations with civil society
(Available in Spanish)

Civil Society Report
pdf icon   Summary of documentation submmited by the Civil Society

By request and initiative of the Working Group for the analysis of national reports under the Protocol of San Salvador, the document was subjected to consultation with representatives of civil society, social and human rights organisms, organisms specialized on the United Nations and Inter-American systems, and academics specialized in the advance of the economic, social and cultural rights. The goal was to receive inputs to strengthen the document to be approved by the Member States of the OAS.

Below are the comments received (Available in Spanish)

Joint Meeting of the Working Group and the Protocol facultative with civil society
Agenda (Available in Spanish)
Washington, DC – October 26, 2011
