Working Group to Prepare the Draft Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism

Chair:    Miguel Ruiz Cabañas Izquierdo, Permanent Representative of México


Preliminary draft Inter-American Convention for the Prevention and Elimination of Terrorism CP/CAJP-1829/01 corr. 1

Member States' contributions to and comments on the Draft Inter-American Convention for the Prevention and Elimination of Terrorism (CP/CAJP-1844/01 and add.)

Draft Inter-American Convention for the Prevention and Elimination of Terrorism - Working Paper CP/CAJP-1847/01 corr. 1

Report by the Chair on the Meeting held from November 26 to 28, 2001 CP/CAJP-1848/01

Results of the Working Group Meeting of November 14, 2001 CP/CAJP-1851/01

Report of the Chair on the Second Negotiating Meeting, held from January 22 to 25, 2002 CP/CAJP-1866/02

Draft Inter-American Convention against Terrorism CP/CAJP-1891/01 rev. 1 corr. 1

Report by the Chair on the Third Negotiation Meeting held from March 18-21, 2002 CP/CAJP-1910/02

Speech by the Chair of the Working Group CP/CAJP-1923/02

Draft resolution:  Inter-American Convention against Terrorism CP/CAJP-1942/02 rev. 1