
Human trafficking is all around you. This is how it works

Noy Thrupkaew

  • 16 febrero 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 1221
  • 0 Comentarios
Human trafficking is all around you. This is how it works
As with the majority of crimes, there's a difference between the common image of human trafficking and the reality of the phenomenon. While common thinking, media and entertainment portray human trafficking as a rogue, hidden crime that takes place in failed states and poor countries, the reality is that it is much more common and evident than expected. Well known brands and citizens invest in business that profit from the low costs derived by hiring victims of trafficking, from food industry to housekeeping, this crime spans to almost all activities of today's society. Influenced by the misconception of the criminal activity, law enforcement agencies end up punishing the victims, rather than the offenders. It is the responsibility of our societies to start to reflect on how we produce goods in order to find the vulnerable communities in most need of help.