COM/CITEL is the executive organ of CITEL. It is composed of representatives of thirteen Member States of CITEL elected at the Eight Regular Meeting of the Assembly of CITEL.
COM/CITEL currently comprises the Administrations of the countries listed below, for the period 2022-2026:
- Chair: Colombia
- Vice-Chair: Costa Rica
- Members: Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, United States of America, Uruguay.
- To carry out the decisions of the CITEL Assembly, taking into consideration the recommendations of the General Assembly of the Organization and of the pertinent Councils with respect to telecommunications/ICT.
- To carry out and enforce the objectives of Article 3 of this Statute.
- To set the date for the Regular Meeting of the CITEL Assembly, the date and place for the Special Meetings of the CITEL Assembly and make amendments as necessary.
- To prepare the draft agendas for the Regular and Special Meetings of the CITEL Assembly and to submit them to the governments of the Member States of CITEL for consideration, through the Executive Secretary, pursuant to Article 9 of this Statute.
- To propose to the CITEL Assembly any amendments it may consider necessary to introduce to this Statute and the Regulations.
- To establish a work program for the Secretariat and for the office of the Chairman of COM/CITEL for implementation of the decisions of the CITEL Assembly.
- To adopt any urgent measures, which cannot be deferred until the next meeting of the CITEL Assembly and which shall remain in force until the CITEL Assembly can consider them.
- Through its Chairman or some other designated member of COM/CITEL, to represent CITEL at world, regional, or national meetings or conferences on telecommunications/ICT or related activities.
- With the cooperation of the Secretariat, to prepare studies, drafts of inter American conventions and treaties, and any other documents relating to telecommunications/ICT in the hemisphere.
- Through the Secretary General and the appropriate Council of the Organization, to present to the General Assembly an annual report on the activities of CITEL.
- To establish such technical committees and working groups as it may consider necessary determining its work program.
- Within the framework of CITEL's objectives, to plan and coordinate inter-American activities in the area of telecommunications/ICT.
- To review and approve a work program based on the program-budget approved by the General Assembly and an annual proposed budget for CITEL in pursuance of the provisions of Article 112 ( c ) of the Charter of the Organization; ensuring the strictest possible economy but mindful of the obligation upon CITEL to achieve satisfactory results from the work programs undertaken.
- To approve the annual training plan and oversee its implementation.
- To ensure fulfillment of the Strategic Plan adopted by the Assembly.
- To approve the participation of observers and guests in the meetings of the Assembly of CITEL.
- To coordinate CITEL´s preparatory processes for the ITU´s Plenipotentiary Conference and meetings of the Council.
- To provide the SG of the OAS the profile and the selection criteria for candidates to occupy the position of Executive Secretary of CITEL and receive nominations from interested Member States.
- To select three candidates to occupy the position of Executive Secretary of CITEL and provide the names to the Secretary General for his or her consideration to select one candidate in accordance with the OAS General Standards.
- To participate in the process of determining the membership, recruitment, and selection of the Secretariat of CITEL.
- If no consensus is reached, Article 20 herein shall apply.