Mission to Support the Fight against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras

About the Mission

The Mission to Support the Fight against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras works to support the country in combating corruption and impunity with an integral vision. Not only do we investigate cases involving relevant networks of public and private corruption, our effort is also focused on reforming and strengthening institutions that would prevent this scourge undermining the credibility of the authorities and the political system.

We are the first mission in the history of the OAS working to support the fight against corruption in a Member State. Our aims are to actively collaborate with the country's institutions and civil society to dismantle the scaffolding that promotes corruption and impunity, and strengthen the mechanisms for judicial investigation, control of public resources and control of power.

The MACCIH acts with full autonomy and independence: only governed by the agreement between the OAS with the Government of Honduras, signed on January 19, 2016 and, within that framework, by the instructions of the Secretary General. The MACCIH began operations in Honduras on April 19, 2016.


  1. 1. To contribute to the fulfillment by the Honduran State of the international commitments it acquired through the Inter-American Convention against Corruption and the MESICIC, the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, and the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC);

  2. 2. To support, strengthen, and collaborate actively with the institutions of the Honduras State charged with preventing, investigating, and punishing acts of corruption;

  3. 3. To help improve coordination between the different State institutions working in this area;

  4. 4. To propose reforms of the Honduran justice system to the Government, including legislation on strengthening the fight against corruption in and from the private sector; and

  5. 5. To help strengthen the accountability mechanisms with which the State’s justice agencies report to Honduran society, and the mechanisms with which civil society observes and monitors the justice system.

Thematic Areas

The MACCIH develops its efforts through 4 large workspaces:

  • 1. Prevention and Fighting against Corruption

  • 2. Reform of Criminal Justice

  • 3. Political-Electoral Reform

  • 4. Public Security


Main Officers of the MACCIH in Honduras

Ana María Calderón Boy
Ana María Calderón Boy
Special Representative of the Secretary General/Interim Spokesperson of the MACCIH

A Peruvian lawyer, she has worked in the Office of the Attorney General of Peru for 32 years. She was a criminal prosecutor, an anti-drug prosecutor (during which she dismantled international drug trafficking organizations), anti-corruption prosecutor (she participated in oral trials against high-level public officials, military, and magistrates), and prosecutor of the International Judicial Cooperation and Extradition Unit of the Office of the Attorney General. In recent years, until July of 2017, she was senior prosecutor and Chief of the Office of Internal Control of the Office of the Attorney General, in charge of investigating judges and prosecutors for crimes of function and investigating and sanctioning prosecutors for disciplinary offenses. Read more »

Ana María Calderón Boy Ana María Calderón Boy
Special Representative of the Secretary General/Interim Spokesperson of the MACCIH

A Peruvian lawyer, she has worked in the Office of the Attorney General of Peru for 32 years. She was a criminal prosecutor, an anti-drug prosecutor (during which she dismantled international drug trafficking organizations), anti-corruption prosecutor (she participated in oral trials against high-level public officials, military, and magistrates), and prosecutor of the International Judicial Cooperation and Extradition Unit of the Office of the Attorney General. In recent years, until July of 2017, she was senior prosecutor and Chief of the Office of Internal Control of the Office of the Attorney General, in charge of investigating judges and prosecutors for crimes of function and investigating and sanctioning prosecutors for disciplinary offenses.

PhD candidate in Law and Political Science from the National University of San Marcos and has a Magister degree in Constitutional Law. Additionally, she possesses a Postgraduate Specialization in “Constitutional Guarantees of Investigation and Proof in Criminal Proceedings” from the University of Castilla-La Mancha-Toledo, Kingdom of Spain and the Laureate Certificate in Higher Education, awarded by Laureate International Universities. She has attended numerous professional training courses and was a speaker at various academic events.

Her career as a university professor includes the exercise of the Judicial Academy of Peru, preparing aspiring lawyers to become judges and prosecutors since 2008; in the School of the Public Ministry and in the Private University of the North. She received several awards in her country for her professional performance and human quality.

She joined the MACCIH-OAS in August of 2017 as an International Prosecutor, assuming the direction of the Active Collaboration Unit. She played an outstanding role in the implementation and strengthening of the Special Prosecution Unit to Fight Corruption-Related Impunity (UFECIC). In February of 2018 she was appointed as Interim Spokesperson for the Mission, taking charge of the transition stage until the new Spokesperson was appointed. Later she served as Alternate General Coordinator and Coordinator of the Division for Preventing and Combating Corruption and Impunity of the MACCIH-OAS. In July of 2019 she was appointed again as Interim Spokesperson for the Mission.

Michael Grunwald
Coordinator of the Criminal Justice System Reform Division

Lawyer with studies in Chile and Saarbruecken/Germany with focus on Juvenile Criminal Law and Execution of Criminal Sanctions against Juveniles. Read more (Spanish only) »

Michael Grunwald Michael Grunwald
Coordinator of the Criminal Justice System Reform Division

Abogado con estudios jurídico en Chile y en Saarbruecken/Alemania con enfoque en derecho penal juvenil y ejecucion de sanciones penales contra juveniles. Lleva 25 años de experiencia laboral como fiscal en la capital alemana de Berlin, una de las fiscalias mas grandes de Europa, recopilando experiencia especializada en derecho penal antidrogas y derecho penal juvenil.

Dentro de su carrera profesional ejerció el cargo de portavoz de la fiscalia general de Berlin, asumió cargos de asesoriamiento jurídico en el ministerio federal de finanzas y la oficina del Presidente Federal de la Repúplica Alemana.

Previo a su incorporación a la MACCIH/OEA trabajó como Fiscal Jefe de división de Justicia Penal.

Michael Grunwald
Marco Antonio Villeda
Marco Antonio Villeda
Interim Coordinator of the Division for Preventing and Combating Corruption

Lawyer and Notary, of Guatemalan nationality, with more than 28 years of judicial career, where he has served as Civil Judge, Criminal Judge (of guarantees and sentence) and Magistrate of Appeals in criminal matters and extinction of domain. Read more (Spanish only) »

Marco Antonio Villeda Marco Antonio Villeda
Interim Coordinator of the Division for Preventing and Combating Corruption

Abogado y Notario, de nacionalidad guatemalteca, con más de 28 años de carrera judicial, donde se ha desempeñado como Juez Civil, Juez Penal (de garantías y de sentencia) y Magistrado de Apelaciones en materia penal y extinción de dominio. Tuvo a su cargo el juzgamiento de varios casos emblemáticos de corrupción y crimen organizado en su país. Ejerció también como Juez de Extinción de Dominio, siendo el primer juez de extinción de dominio de su país y desde donde emitió sentencias que permitieron la recuperación a favor del Estado, de bienes obtenidos como producto de actividades ilícitas relacionadas con criminalidad organizada y corrupción pública.

Posee estudios de maestría en Derecho Penal en la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, cursos de Post Grado de especialización en Derecho Penal en la Universidad de Salamanca, España; Extinción de Dominio, Métodos Especiales de Investigación y Administración de Justicia.

Ha sido titular de la cátedra de Derecho Penal y Procesal Penal en las universidades Rafael Landívar, Istmo y Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala, también ha ejercido como docente en la escuela de Estudios Judiciales de su país y en diversas instituciones de cooperación internacional a nivel regional, capacitando a jueces y fiscales en diversos temas jurídicos relacionados a investigación de redes de corrupción y criminalidad organizada, así como en investigación de bienes de origen ilícito, expositor invitado en varios congresos jurídicos. Se unió a la Misión en enero de 2018, luego de ser seleccionado mediante concurso de oposición para el cargo de Juez Internacional.


Virginia Contreras
Coordinator of the Division of Public Security

Born in Venezuela. Lawyer, Master in security and defense. She has extensive experience in the fields of security, penitentiary affairs and in the criminal area. In addition, she has studies in forensic psychiatry, criminalistics, counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency, and civil-military relations, among others. Read more (Spanish only) »

Virginia Contreras Virginia Contreras
Asesor Especial contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad

Virginia Contreras es abogada, magister en seguridad y defensa, nacida en Venezuela. Posee una extensa experiencia en el tema de seguridad, asuntos penitenciarios y en el área penal, con estudios en psiquiatría forense, criminalística, contra-terrorismo y contra-insurgencia, y relaciones civil-militares, entre otros.

Se ha desempeñado como Directora de Prisiones y como Juez Penal y de Salvaguarda del Patrimonio Público, así como Juez relatora en la Corte Primera en lo Contencioso Administrativo en Venezuela. De igual forma ha actuado como abogada en relevantes causas penales en su país, y como académica en las áreas de Criminología y Derecho Penal en la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Fue embajadora de su país ante la Organización de los Estados Americanos.

Ha participado en innumerables foros y conferencias, y ha sido profesora invitada en distintas universidades e instituciones en el continente y en otras partes del mundo sobre seguridad, gobernanza, democracia y Derechos Humanos, temas sobre los que ha publicado numerosos artículos. En los últimos años trabajó en el Centro de Estudios Hemisféricos de Defensa, de la Universidad de Defensa Nacional del Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos, en Washington, DC. Es consultora y analista internacional en temas vinculados a la seguridad y defensa, democracia, justicia penal y Derechos Humanos.

Virginia Contreras
Maria Fernanda Trigo
Maria Fernanda Trigo
Project Coordinator of the MACCIH

A Bolivian national. She currently serves as Director of the OAS Department for Effective Public Management where she has set as its mission to strengthen public institutions in the Americas so they are more transparent, effective and have mechanisms for citizen participation. Previously, Ms. Trigo performed the functions of Deputy Director of the Department of Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions in the Political Affairs Secretariat where she led the development and implementation of a system for political analysis for the OAS General Secretariat. Read more »

Maria Fernanda Trigo
Project Coordinator of the MACCIH

A Bolivian national. She currently serves as Director of the OAS Department for Effective Public Management where she has set as its mission to strengthen public institutions in the Americas so they are more transparent, effective and have mechanisms for citizen participation. Previously, Ms. Trigo performed the functions of Deputy Director of the Department of Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions in the Political Affairs Secretariat where she led the development and implementation of a system for political analysis for the OAS General Secretariat. Ms. Trigo has worked at the OAS since January 1999. She began her career at the OAS as part of the initial team of the Summit of the Americas Secretariat, supporting the preparation and negotiation process of the Declarations and Action Plans for the Quebec (2001), Monterrey (2004) and Mar del Plata (2006) Summits of the Americas.

Ms. Trigo previously worked at the Permanent Mission of Bolivia to the OAS as alternate representative with the responsibility of supporting the organization and negotiation of documents for the Summit on Sustainable Development held in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, in 1996.

Ms. Trigo has a Masters in International Relations from Georgetown University, Washington D.C., and a BA in Mathematics from St. Mary's College in South Bend, Indiana.

Katalina Montaña
Liaison Officer of MACCIH at OAS Headquarters
Chief of Mediation and Dialogue

Katalina Montaña

Employment Opportunities

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How did the MACCIH begin?

  • What is the strategic approach of the MACCIH?

  • Can the MACCIH work on investigations of specific cases?

  • Who will select the chases where the MACCIH will be involved?