This project seeks to provide tools to specialized entities fighting organized crime and money laundering in Colombia to improve investigations, produce better financial intelligence, and properly identify, seize, forfeit, and manage illicit activities.

The general objective of this project is to increase law enforcement actions against money laundering, the financing of terrorism and corruption, to include the prosecution and seizure of assets, through the strengthening of the capacities of prosecutors and investigators of units specialized in the investigation of laundering cases. of Assets and Financing of Terrorism, as well as promoting inter-institutional and international cooperation.


Strengthen the skills and capacities of prosecutors and investigators of units specialized in investigating Money Laundering cases to use financial intelligence information and conduct parallel financial investigations.
Develop practical and methodological tools to help investigators and prosecutors conduct Money Laundering investigations emphasizing the recovery of illicit assets through domain extinction and the use of parallel financial investments.
Promote inter-institutional and international cooperation in the fight against Money Laundering and a solid understanding of the structures, authorities, and inter-institutional roles.
Strengthen training capacities of the Prosecutor's Office in Anti-Money Laundering and Domain Extinction, in line with the 2018 GAFILAT Mutual Evaluation Report (MER).
Strengthen the training capacity of the Attorney General's Office on corruption and the recovery of international assets.
Monitor impact and evaluate activities during and after project development.

Beneficiary Countries


  • Design and development of a Strategic Plan for Investigations of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism.
  • Design and development of a patrimonial investigation manual; a manual of good practices in the recovery of International Assets; and International Legal Cooperation.
  • Conducting training in international cooperation, asset investigations, financial intelligence, parallel investigations and training of trainers.
  • Conducting an assessment of the availability and content of modular training courses for Prosecutors and Investigators and definition of a baseline for designing a training curriculum for the Prosecutor's Office training school.
  • Conducting an assessment on the recovery of assets linked to cases of public corruption.
  • Design of training curricula.
  • Development of an investigation protocol and other tools for the recovery of international assets linked to corruption cases.
  • Development of a virtual campus for the PNG.

Strategic Partners

International Bureau of Counternarcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)
Attorney General's Office - Colombia
Inspector General’s Office - Colombia


Gastón Schulmeister
Gastón Schulmeister

Departament against Transnational Organized Crime
e-mail: [email protected]
John Grajales
John Grajales

Technical Specialist
e-mail: [email protected]
Mónica Espinoza
Mónica Espinoza

Project Assistant
e-mail: [email protected]
Karoline Moraes
Karoline Moraes

Program Officer
e-mail: [email protected]
José David Moreno
José David Moreno

Oficial de Apoyo Técnico
e-mail: [email protected]
Alfonso Trilleras
Alfonso Trilleras

Oficial de Apoyo Técnico



The Sectoral Risk Assessment (ESR) of the microfinance sector has as its fundamental objective to complement the National Risk Assessment of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing of Ecuador, and provide comprehensive knowledge of the vulnerabilities and threats of the sector under study, carried out through the analysis of the current situation in the country, considering as a starting point the level of formalization of the economy and fraudulent schemes, such as the illegal collection and placement of money.

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The objective of this publication is to provide tools based on the different modalities used to carry out money laundering identified in the behavior patterns detected by the regulated entities, which will allow the reporting sectors to have strategic information to improve their control and monitoring mechanisms against criminal organizations.

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Esta quinta edición se destaca por reflejar la constante evolución que se viene dando en el combate al lavado de activos desde el sistema judicial a partir de la primera edición de la obra, publicada en el 2003, primordialmente en lo que se refiere a los nuevos estándares que constituyen la lucha contra el lavado de activos en el ámbito internacional, así como los avances en relación al debate jurisprudencial que se refleja en varias sentencias que son citadas en la obra y que han sido de suma relevancia para la región.

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