Media Center

Press Release

EOM/OAS to Begin Work in Peru for Second Round of Voting

  May 27, 2011

The Electoral Observation Mission (EOM) of the Organization of American States (OAS) for the second round of voting in the presidential elections of June 5 in Peru will begin its work in that country this May 28.

As in the general elections held in April, the delegation will be headed by the former Argentine Foreign Minister Dante Caputo, who was appointed by the Secretary General of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza.

The arrival of Secretary General Insulza’s special advisor to Lima is planned for June 1. Beginning on that date, he will hold meetings and dialogues with electoral authorities, political and government figures, and both candidates running for the Presidency.

Secretary General Insulza designated as special guests of the Mission former Governor of New Mexico William Richardson, and the former President of El Salvador Elías Antonio Saca. The two highly renowned politicians will also contribute with their presence to the positive development of the EOM/OAS.

The EOM/OAS will be made up of 70 international observers, to be deployed throughout the Peruvian territory to follow in situ the development of the electoral process. The objective of the Mission is to follow the second round until the announcement of the official results.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-695/11