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Press Release

OAS to Offer Professional Development and Educational Scholarships in New York, Israel and Netherlands

  May 18, 2011

The Organization of American States (OAS) has partnered with the Government of Israel, Dowling College of New York, and the International Institute of Social Studies of Netherlands to offer professional and educational scholarships through three programs in its Department of Human Development, Education and Culture. Following, a description of the scholarships offered:


As part of its collaboration strategy in matters of human capital formation, the OAS and the Government of Israel, through its International Cooperation Agency (MASHAV), will offer scholarships for the course titled, “Integración Social de Jóvenes Marginales” (“Social Integration of Marginalized Youth”). The course, which will be taught in Spanish, will be held from September 5 to 27, 2011, at the headquarters of the International Institute for Leadership, Histadrut, in Israel, and is aimed at Directors of institutions or departments responsible for social integration policies for youth. The objective of the course is to present and study existing models in Israel for the social and economic integration of marginalized youth with a view to adapting them to the Latin American reality, in both the national and municipal scopes, the formal and informal education systems, and the social welfare, justice and penal systems.

Scholarship recipients will be selected from among the candidacies received by the Department of Human Development, Education and Culture of the OAS through National Liaison Offices (NLO) in the different OAS Member States. The deadline for receiving applications in Washington, DC is July 29, 2011.

United States, New York

As part the OAS Partnerships for Education and Training Program and in association with Dowling College of New York, 20 scholarships will be offered for an Advanced Degree in Computers for Education (Instructional Technology) for citizens or permanent residents of any OAS Member State. The 10-month-long program, taught in English, is aimed at higher education instructors, as well as primary and secondary teachers, and social agency educators. The course has for its objective to enrich the teaching strategies of participants by providing them the ability to incorporate a variety of technological activities in their daily teaching plans and learn new steps that can be used to improve the process of teaching/learning inside the classroom, lectures by professors, library and studying at home.

Interested parties must present their application for admission to Dowling College before June 1st, 2011, and the request for OAS scholarship before June 30. The program begins August 1st with a two-week in-person initial component before continuing entirely online. The scholarship will cover materials, equipment, and room and board during participants’ stay at Dowling College, and reduced tuition costs.


As part of the OAS Partnerships for Education and Training Program, and in association with the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Netherlands, two postgraduate studies scholarships will be offered to citizens or permanent residents of any OAS Member State. The scholarships will cover 60 percent of tuition and will be granted for the Master in Development Studies program, designed for those who wish to further their professional career or continue towards doctorate-level studies. It includes the study of the most recent theories and debates in the area of specialization the student chooses, and the methods of application of this knowledge to practical issues of development and social change. This degree offers a strong and balanced formation, academic and professional, relevant in the theory and methods for development studies.

The 16-month-long program begins in September and will be taught in English. The deadline for applying is June 15.

More information on the scholarships offered in these three countries is available here or at

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-673/11