Media Center

Press Release

OAS Participates in Columbus Day Celebration

  October 11, 2010

The Director of International Affairs of the Organization of American States (OAS), Irene Klinger, today participated in the Columbus Day celebration, "Meeting of Two Worlds," organized by the National Columbus Celebration Association, jointly with the Department of the Interior, the National Parks Service, the National Mall and memorial parks.

Along with placing a floral wreath at the feet of the statue of Christopher Columbus, Irene Klinger asserted that "the meeting of two worlds was one of the first steps of what we know as a globalized world," highlighting that today we commemorate "the spirit of adventure, the spirit of entrepreneurship and the risk taking of our ancestors. This day also we make a commitment to create a hemisphere that gives voice to the rich plurality of its citizens, including the indigenous peoples of the Americas."

She added that the flags of each of the Member States that are part of the hemispheric Organization and that are displayed in the OAS building "are a testimony of diplomatic cooperation and of the Organization's aspirations to achieve democracy, justice, peace and prosperity in the Americas."

The ceremony was held in Columbus Plaza in front of Union Station in Washington, DC, and was attended by the diplomatic missions of Italy and Spain to the White House, the honor guard of the United States and the Knights of Columbus, among others.

A photo gallery of the event is available here.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-373/10