Media Center

Press Release

OAS Launches Course on Business Diplomacy in Haiti

  October 10, 2012

The Organization of American States (OAS), together with the Haitian Foreign Ministry and Haiti’s Center for Investment Facilitation (CFI), this week launched a new training course on business diplomacy in Port-au-Prince.

The course will take place three days a month, from October until May, 2013, and aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Haitian public and private sectors in the area of investment and international trade, and to foster inter-institutional cooperation on business diplomacy.

The training reflects the priority given by the government of Haiti to the promotion of investment and the creation of productive employment and sustainable economic growth. The course curriculum, tailored to the reality of Haiti, includes the sharing of experiences from Haitian practitioners and the exchange of successful practices from other countries in the region as well as case studies and simulation exercises to give participants a hands-on experience of the various components of business diplomacy.

Present at the opening were the OAS Director of the Department of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism, Maryse Robert, and the Special Representative of the OAS in Haiti, Frederic Bolduc.

The program is funded by the Special Multilateral Fund of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (FEMCIDI) of the OAS and the Canadian International Development Agency. Participants include representatives from the CFI, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Planning Ministry, the Bureau de Coordination et de Suivi des Accords Commerciaux, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Chamber of Commerce and the Fondation ETREayisyen, an NGO dedicated to fostering youth entrepreneurship.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-363/12