Media Center

Press Release

OAS Observation Mission to Elections in Guatemala Begins Final Deployment

  October 19, 2015

The Electoral Observation Mission of the Organization of American States (OAS/EOM) to the presidential elections in Guatemala, led by Juan Pablo Corlazzoli, began its final deployment today ahead of the second round of voting taking place next Sunday.

The Mission, composed of 70 experts and observers, began its activities on October 4 with the arrival of a mobile group that toured the country to analyze the progress in the organization of this election. The Chief of Mission will attend high-level meetings this week with governmental and electoral authorities, political parties, members of civil society and the diplomatic corps in Guatemala. On election day, the Mission will deploy observers to polling stations in the 22 departments of the country.

On October 25, there will be three OAS Electoral Observation Missions, with more than 230 observers, operating in three sub-regions: Central and South America and the Caribbean. In addition to the Mission in Guatemala, there will be observers in Haiti and Colombia. For the first time in more than 50 years, there will be three EOMs operating in three countries on the same day.

Reference: E-314/15