Media Center

Press Release


  December 2, 2003

As Barbadians marked 37 years of independence on Monday, the milestone was celebrated in Washington, D.C., as well, with the Caribbean nation’s Ambassador, Michael King, touting Barbados’ top ranking among developing countries, on the United Nations Human Development Index.

“I do believe we must be doing something pretty right in Barbados,” declared Ambassador King to the guests during a reception he hosted at the Organization of American States (OAS), where he also serves as his country’s Permanent Representative. Besides leading developing nations, Barbados placed 27th among all nations on the same UN index, according to Ambassador King, who noted that among the nations of the Americas, Barbados has been surpassed only by the United States and Canada on the performance measure since the UN instituted it 12 years ago.

“This did not come about by accident,” he stressed, explaining he hard work and sacrifice by Barbadians since the turn of the 20th century when they began migrating across the hemisphere to Panama, Brazil, Cuba and the United States, and later to Britain.

King also highlighted the “excellent political leadership” political parties have provided since the nation gained independence from Britain, and he hailed the good human capital and opportunities created. “We continue to have free education from primary school right through to university. We continue to put a lot of emphasis on the quality of life of our citizens,” he stated. Emphasizing there was much for which Barbadians should be very thankful, he cited continued economic growth and “a certain level of prosperity, which suggest that we have been able to manage through turbulent times—certainly from an economic and social point of view.”

He also underscored Barbadian and Caribbean Community (CARICOM) contributions to the inter-American system to help improve the lives of the hemisphere’s citizens.

OAS Assistant Secretary General Luigi Einaudi and several OAS member country ambassadors joined the large turn-out of Barbadian nationals and friends in Washington who celebrated the island’s independence.

Reference: E-236/03