Media Center

Press Release


  October 11, 2006

The government of Colombia, with support from the Organization of American States (OAS), tomorrow will launch a national strategy aimed at preventing drug consumption and abuse in the work place. The strategy was developed as a result of recommendations proposed under the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM), a hemisphere-wide assessment process carried out by the OAS Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (known by its Spanish acronym, CICAD).

Through this evaluation process, governmental anti-drug experts from across the region recommended that the Colombian government expand institutional coverage of drug prevention programs for the work environment. The government, with technical and financial support from CICAD and through an agreement with Colombia’s Javeriana University, responded by designing an educational plan and materials with the objective of strengthening prevention measures related to alcohol consumption and other drugs in the work place.

The new strategy, which will be carried out within the framework of national policies to reduce demand of addictive substances, will be presented tomorrow by Colombia’s Deputy Minister of Labor, Jorge León Mesa Sánchez, on the campus of Javeriana University in Bogotá. Other participants in the event will include James Mack, CICAD Executive Secretary; Carlos Albornoz, Director of Colombia’s National Drug Office (Dirección de Estupefacientes); and Father Gerardo Remolina Vargas, Dean of Javeriana University.

Meanwhile, tomorrow afternoon CICAD will sign an agreement with the government of Colombia, through its Social Protection and Education ministries, as well as with the Leones Educando Foundation and the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, to build on the experience acquired through the “Leones Educando” initiative. This school-based program, which aims to prevent drug consumption, uses a life-skills approach developed by the International Lions Club Foundation.

The program’s objective is to educate schoolchildren so that they are able to make positive, healthy decisions when faced with adverse situations such as the sale and the consumption of drugs, violence or other risk factors. The program is implemented in OAS member countries, in response to requests for assistance, in accordance with CICAD’s Hemispheric Guidelines on School-based Prevention, a document drafted by the Group of Experts in Demand Reduction and approved by the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission in 2004.

Reference: E-217/06