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Press Release

OAS Organizes Information Security Course for Technical Staff in Guatemala

  May 29, 2012

The Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) of the Organization of American States (OAS), in collaboration with the Superintendence of Telecommunications of the Republic of Guatemala will carry out an "Information Security Course for Technical Staff" from June 4 to 9, in Antigua, Guatemala.

Guatemalan government representatives will be joined in the course by technicians from Colombia, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Peru, El Salvador, Panama, Ecuador, Chile, Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname, and Uruguay. The course will be led by instructors from the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University and CERT-CC. In addition, upon completion of the course, participants will take an examination to become a certified Computer Security Incident Responder, which is offered by CERT-CC.

Guatemala, being the host country and contributing many participants, will be the main beneficiary of the course and certification. Each participant will have access to a machine that is connected to a virtual platform in which they will use cyber security incident response tools and techniques to respond to incidents simulating real-life cyber events. In addition to learning tools in a hands-on environment, attendees will learn the theory behind the tools and techniques they are going to employ.

Topics to be covered include: threat awareness, risk management, configuration management, cryptography, and securing network infrastructure. As in the past, this course promises to be an excellent forum in which attendees exchange knowledge and discuss best practices with their counterparts that, in addition to sharing similar work, face the same challenges in securing government networks.

The opening ceremony of the workshop is expected to feature the Vice President of Guatemala, Roxana Baldetti; the Ambassador of Canada to Panama, Hugues Rousseau; the Representative of the OAS in Panama, Ambassador Abigail Castro de Perez; and a representative of the Superintendence of Telecommunications of Guatemala.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-192/12