Media Center

Press Release


  July 13, 2005

A joint initiative of the Organization of American Status (OAS) and the Ministry of Education of Peru has made possible the translation of the Inter-American Democratic Charter into Quechua. It is the first time that the Charter has been rendered into one of the original languages of the Americas.

The Democratic Charter reflects the democratic will of the 34 OAS member states. Its 28 articles define democracy, establish mechanisms for collective action to promote and defend it and promises, among other things, to pay special attention to the education of children and youth as a way of promoting democratic values in the region.

The translation of the Charter into the native language of millions of inhabitants of the South American Andes is part of a major effort of distance education with primary and secondary school teachers that will continue through 2006 and will supply the educational materials that will assist them in the formation of democratic values.

An experimental program to train 1,500 teachers during 2006 is being executed concurrently by the Ministry of Education of Peru. The Ministry of Education of Argentina is also participating in the development of this proposal and will initiate a similar course. This project counts on the support of the Permanent Mission of the US to the OAS and the technical assistance of the National University of Distance Education of Spain.

Over a more extended period, and with the participation of ministries of education of other interested status, these projects will be replicated and produce “democratic classes,” where especially trained teachers will promote democratic practices and behavior in their schools.

These initiatives demonstrate the current and diverse efforts of the OAS and its member states to devise concrete actions in support of education for democracy.

Reference: E-143/05