Media Center

Press Release


  July 17, 2003

Uruguay’s Foreign Minister, Didier Opertti, addressing member state representatives at the Organization of American States today, called for the concept of government and citizen to be reinvented through a change of attitude.

Foreign Minister Opertti addressed a specially-convened session of the OAS Permanent Council in a wide-ranging presentation on democratic governance, the main theme of last month’s OAS General Assembly. He spoke about the need for the state to deliver good governance, stressing that governance is not just a function of government but has to do with citizens. He underscored the need for a new kind of citizen who is not merely a consumer but an active participant.

He also pointed to the impact of sweeping external phenomena on the political democracies of the region, including globalization as an inescapable fact. The Minister expressed concern that net producers of food, such as the region’s countries, should not have to face closed doors or unfair competition through subsidies and protectionism. “That does not ensure governance but instead leads to wavering in terms of belief in the general rules of trade. It leads to doubts and uncertainty about the future of our economies. And uncertainty is the main obstacle to governance,” he argued, adding that governance supposes foresight, certainty and abiding by a set of basic rules. “And these basic rules are eroded under the pressures of inequitable international trade, international trade barriers and other obstacles.”

The Uruguayan Foreign Minister suggested that the OAS monitor the Doha process to see how it handles regional interests and review the impact of cooperation to clearly assess and measure cooperation programs in terms of their effect on development, as this must be part of stock-taking for any governance program.

In welcoming the Uruguayan dignitary, Permanent Council Chairman Ambassador Raymond Valcin of Haiti recalled Opertti’s address to the 33rd OAS General Assembly in Chile last month and his emphasis on multilateralism, non-intervention, good governance and the symbiosis between democracy and education.

Several of the member state Ambassadors also welcomed the Foreign Minister, lauding his excellent presentation that raised very important issues to enrich the OAS debate.

Reference: E-136/03