Media Center

Press Release


  May 1, 2006

Joint landmine-clearing operations by the Organization of American States (OAS) and the government of Colombia will continue in May, in Colombia’s Cerro de La Pita region in the Department of Bolivar. This is the second coordinated operation carried out under an agreement the government and the OAS signed in 2002.

Some 33 mine-fields are scattered across the country and are under the army’s watch, according to Colombia’s National Antipersonnel Landmines Observatory. The mines are being destroyed pursuant to the 1997 Ottawa Convention to ban the deadly devices. The work itself is being carried out by three Brazilian and two Honduran monitors, along with a 28-member Colombian military contingent.

Operations to clear landmines and destroy unexploded ordnance were completed in Mamonal, another part of Colombia’s northern Department of Bolivar, during the first few months of this year.

The Cerro de La Pita operations are expected to last two months. Through its continued support, the OAS boosts Colombia’s anti-landmine efforts, which are coordinated by the National Antipersonnel Landmines Observatory, the highest national authority on mine action.

The OAS covers training and life insurance for the personnel as well as logistical support and international oversight of the operations. The hemispheric organization is also currently assisting with psychological and physical rehabilitation for 20 landmine victims, who were chosen by the Observatory in consultation with the Colombian Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center (CIREC).

Victims are provided with OAS-sponsored transportation, food and lodging and a health-care aide, while the government of Colombia covers medical support.

In early May, a joint OAS-U.S. State Department delegation will meet with senior Colombian officials to coordinate the continuation of the operations. The OAS coordinates humanitarian mine-clearing activities through its Comprehensive Mine Action Program (AICMA), with technical assistance provided by the Inter-American Defense Board .

Official statistics indicate that Colombia sees an average of one accident a day as a result of antipersonnel land mines.

Reference: E-106/06