Media Center

Press Release

OAS Secretary General Congratulates the President-elect of El Salvador

  March 25, 2014

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, telephoned the President-elect of El Salvador, Salvador Sánchez Cerén, to congratulate him after the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) proclaimed his victory in the presidential elections of Sunday, March 9. Insulza also extended his best wishes to Vice President Oscar Ortiz.

During their conversation, the head of the OAS expressed to the Salvadoran President-elect his respect for the civic strength demonstrated by the Salvadoran people and political organizations, which safeguarded the country’s democratic institutionality, in the particular circumstances that stemmed from narrow election results. Insulza also commended the fact that reason and civic responsibility prevailed both in the opposition and the ruling party.

President-elect Sánchez Cerén recalled the role of the international community and the OAS during the peace process that more than two decades ago paved the way for democracy in El Salvador, and he said he hoped to continue working with the Organization towards strengthening democracy and regional integration.

In addition to extending his best wishes for the work that awaits the President-elect, the OAS Secretary General emphasized the importance of dialogue as a means to political and social rapprochement. He also assured Sánchez Cerén of the unwavering accompaniment and support of the hemispheric organization to any initiatives aimed at strengthening democracy and furthering development that the new government may adopt.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-104/14