Media Center

Press Release

OAS Secretary General Celebrates International Migrants Day

  December 18, 2011

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, today celebrated International Migrants Day and recognized the contribution that workers who emigrate from their countries make to the construction and enriching of the nations that receive them.

The head of the OAS highlighted that, according to ECLAC, migrants contribute labor, knowledge and business capabilities to their host countries, stimulating growth and complementing the labor supply. He also underlined the significance of the economic contribution they make to their countries of origin through remittances, which according to estimates from the World Bank this year reached 346 billion dollars at the global level, a figure far surpassing the total amount of international aid for development.

Secretary General Insulza emphasized, as an important thematic line for work at the OAS, the promotion of public policies that lead to improvements in the management of migration in the Americas through the facilitation of dialogue, cooperation, institutional strengthening and access to information. “During the elaboration of migration policies it would be convenient for countries to pay special interest to the study of regional migration with an integral, objective, and long-term approach on the causes, manifestations, effects and impacts of migration on the region,” he held. He added that for that “it is important to have an exchange of relevant statistical information on migrant workers and other related migration flows related to development in countries of origin, transit and destination.”

On the International Migrants Day, the head of the OAS recalled that the Inter-American Democratic Charter ensures that the elimination of all forms of discrimination, especially that motivated by gender, ethnicity and race, and of the diverse forms of intolerance, as well as the promotion and protection of human rights of indigenous peoples and migrants, contributes to the strengthening of democracy and citizen participation.

The OAS, through the Migration and Development Program, managed by the Department of Social Development and Employment, and of the Rapporteurship on Migrant Workers and their families, belonging to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, reiterates its commitment with the subject, addressing it from an integral perspective and taking into account consideration in the International Law of Human Rights.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-1018/11