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Press Release

OAS General Secretariat Condemns Blockades of Trucks with Medical Supplies in Bolivia

  August 6, 2020

The General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) expresses its extreme concern at the situation in Bolivia where groups of protesters are blocking the passage of trucks with health supplies needed to combat COVID-19, at a time when the pandemic has reached its highest point in the South American country.

The OAS General Secretariat condemns these blockades and calls on all sectors of Bolivian society to preserve public order.

Bolivian citizens must prioritize the control of their health crisis and make their institutions even more efficient to resolve the health situation created by the pandemic. The immorality of trying to obtain political returns from the suffering of the people in the face of this health situation is inadmissible.

The General Secretariat declares that it is immoral and discreditable to play politics with the lives of the people, and absolutely disgraceful that public human rights of the Bolivian people such as their right to life and health are breached and violated by miserable and petty interest groups.

As the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights expressed yesterday, the General Secretariat rejects the fact that protesters are preventing the passage of oxygen tankers and ambulances necessary to attend the pandemic and makes an urgent call to allow, without interference of any kind, the circulation of the medical personnel, equipment and all the material needed to care for people affected by COVID-19.

On the day of the country´s independence, the Bolivian people must rely on unity and peace in order to successfully confront the pandemic, reject destabilizing attempts and successfully hold national elections.

Reference: E-083/20