Media Center

Press Advisory

LAST DAYS, Media Accreditation for the OAS General Assembly CLOSES

  September 20, 2022

FRIDAY, September 23 is the LAST DAY FOR MEDIA PROFESSIONALS TO REQUEST ACCREDITATION to cover the LII Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), which will take place between October 5 and 7, 2022 at the Lima Convention Center (LCC) located in the city of Lima, Peru.

Consult the Press Manual for credential requirements and other practical information for media wishing to cover the Assembly here.

The online form for accreditation is available here.

The General Assembly is the highest political body of the OAS and its decisions will serve as a guide for the activities and priorities of the regional body during the coming year, on issues such as the promotion of democratic governance, the strengthening of human rights, the promotion hemispheric security and attention to shared security concerns, among others. A draft agenda and pertinent documents will be available on the Internet, on the page of the 52nd OAS General Assembly.

For inquiries about the accreditation process, write to [email protected]

For more information, visit the OAS website at

Reference: AVI-152/22