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Press Advisory

OAS to Co-Organize Americas Competitiveness Exchange on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  February 15, 2014

The Organization of American States (OAS) will co-organize the Americas Competitiveness Exchange on Innovation and Entrepreneurship from March 31 to April 4, 2014 in four cities of the United States.

The Exchange, organized by the Inter-American Competitiveness Network (RIAC), in collaboration with the United States Department of Commerce, through the International Trade Administration and the Economic Development Administration, will showcase advanced technology centers, innovation hubs, and public investments in urban and rural United States.

The Mayors of Conover, Greenville, Charlotte, and Atlanta will be personally hosting the participants in their respective cities. In addition, high-level authorities from the U.S. Department of Commerce, such as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Affairs, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Western Hemisphere, and the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Development, will be guiding the activities of the Exchange on behalf of the U.S. government.

Senior leadership from leading innovation companies and universities in Georgia, North, and South Carolina have confirmed special access tours and networking opportunities for the participants. Participants will learn from and engage directly with leaders who have established business incubators, visionary people who have built their economies from the bottom up, CEOs who benefited from entrepreneurship centers and partners of foreign investments such as the BMW factory in South Carolina (the second largest in the world).

Partial economic assistance for travel is available for qualified nominated participants from countries requesting support, in particular from smaller economies, thanks to the OAS-Government of Canada Cooperation Program, which provides support for regional collaboration on innovation and entrepreneurship.

The deadline to submit applications to participate is Friday, February 21. For more information, and to apply, visit the RIAC website.

WHAT: Americas Competitiveness Exchange on Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

WHEN: March 31 to April 4, 2014

WHERE: Conover, Greenville, Charlotte, and Atlanta, United States

Reference: AVI-018/14