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OAS and CEAL Sign Agreement to Propel Economic, Social and Environmental Development

  April 13, 2012

OAS and CEAL Sign Agreement to Propel Economic, Social and Environmental Development
Photö: OAS

The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, today signed a cooperation agreement with the President of the Business Council of Latin America (CEAL), Gilberto Marín Quintero, in which the two committed to support the proposals that emerge from the Sixth Summit of the Americas and to work together on goals associated with sustainable development.

“With this agreement the private sector shows its commitment to work with the OAS, the governments of the region and other sectors to overcome the current challenges in the hemisphere and to reach higher levels of growth, development and opportunities for all,” said Secretary General Insulza to the business leaders of the national chapters of CEAL.

“The OAS is the foremost governmental, political, juridical and social forum in the hemisphere,” said Marin, explaining the interest of his organization in signing an agreement with the regional organization. The Business Council includes more than 500 known business people from 19 countries in Latin America, concerned with promoting and spreading good practices that improve the quality of life of their societies.

Through this agreement, the OAS and CEAL commit themselves to promote state policies that allow countries to advance in preserving the environment.

Present at the signing of the document was the Assistant Secretary General, Ambassador Albert Ramdin, who has played an active role in the promotion of greater private sector participation in the OAS agenda.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: FNE-8691