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Secretary General Speaks with Representatives of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas about Security

  June 4, 2011

Secretary General Speaks with Representatives of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas about Security
Photo: OAS

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, met today with representatives of the Canadian section of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA), led by Randy Hoback, its interim president and a member of the Canadian Parliament.

During the meeting, held at the Hotel Sheraton Presidente in El Salvador, officials conversed on citizen security in the Hemisphere--the central theme of the OAS General Assembly session that will begin tomorrow and conclude Tuesday, June 7, in the capital of that Central American country--and on the various projects Canada has under way in collaboration with the hemispheric organization.

Attending the meeting were the Director General of FIPA, Gina Hill; Canadian senator Percy Downe; and the Directors of External Relations and Political Affairs of the OAS, Alfonso Quiñónez and Víctor Rico.

FIPA is an independent network made up of the national legislatures of the member states of the Organization of American States. It seeks to encourage parliamentary participation in the inter-American system and to establish dialogue among the congresses of the countries of the region on important topics that affect the Hemisphere as a whole.

Reference: FNE-5513