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Member States Begin Reflections on the OAS

  November 8, 2012

Member States Begin Reflections on the OAS
Photo: OAS

The states of the Americas today began a round of meetings to reflect on the Organization of American States (OAS), its purpose, achievements, and future, during a special meeting of the Permanent Council.

The meeting, convened by the Chair of the Permanent Council and the Permanent Representative of Mexico to the OAS, Joel Hernández, includes the participation of the Secretary General of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza, and a group of panelists which include Michael Harvey, President of the Canadian Council for the Americas; Ambassador Richard Bernal, Executive Director for the Caribbean at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); Ambassador Luigi R. Einaudi, member of the Council on Foreign Relations; and Ambassador Carlos Portales, Director of the Program on International Organizations at American University.

Secretary General Insulza highlighted that currently, “relations within the Inter-American System are strong, vigorous, and in general healthy,” and he welcomed the dialogue because the System “has not remained rooted in the past, it has evolved to fit changing realities, which is proof of its vitality.”

The purpose of the meeting is to encourage open debate among the Member Countries on the main strategic lines that set the organization’s activities in the hemisphere, in order to eventually put forward ideas on how the OAS can carry out its mandates in a more efficient way that better serves its Member States.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: FNE-10670