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Guatemala Proposes Theme for the OAS General Assembly and that it be Held Virtually

  September 1, 2021

Guatemala Proposes Theme for the OAS General Assembly and that it be Held Virtually
Photo: OAS

The theme for the 51st General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), to be held virtually between November 10 -12, would be "Towards Renewal in the Americas," as proposed today by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala, Pedro Brolo, to the OAS Permanent Council in Washington, DC, which will discuss the proposal at its next session.

The Guatemalan Foreign Minister explained that the proposed theme "is synthetic, to allow room for the sum of efforts that define strategic courses of action on the priorities and challenges that we must address to strengthen the Americas from its foundations under a renewed, strengthened and sustainable approach."

The official logo of the Assembly features the quetzal, the national bird of Guatemala, "which represents the map of the Americas with its wings outstretched," said Foreign Minister Brolo. The quetzal bears the name of Guatemala's national currency, is part of the National Coat of Arms and the Order of the Quetzal is the highest award given by the government of the Central American country.

The Guatemalan diplomat reiterated his country's commitment to the Inter-American system and to strengthening the OAS, "not only as the oldest regional organization in the world, but also as the most important political, legal and social forum in the hemisphere."

This will be the fourth time that the OAS General Assembly is hosted by Guatemala. The previous times were held in La Antigua (2013) and Guatemala City (1999 and 1986).

Reference: FNE-101219