Violence and discrimination against women, girls and adolescents in Belize
Human rights of indigenous peoples in Argentina
Human Rights Situation of Wet'suwet'en Indigenous Peoples in Canada
CANCELLED HEARING Human rights situation of persons deprived of their liberty in Jamaica (Ex Officio)
Human rights and the use of facial recognition technologies in Brazil
Parental Alienation Law in Brazil
Case 14.293 -Otilia Inés Lux García de Coti vs Guatemala
Challenges and good practices in international coordination and cooperation for the protection of the rights of refugees, migrants and others in human mobility (Ex Officio)
Differential impact on the lives of women relatives of persons deprived of liberty in the Americas.
Access to Justice for Victims of Human Trafficking in Latin America and the Caribbean
Judicialization of matters of public interest against persons exercising freedom of expression ("SLAPPs") in the region.
Labor rights of the informal sector wokers in the Americas
Obstetric Violence in the Americas
Case 13.955 - Gabriel Alejandro Vasco Toapanta vs. Ecuador
La situation des droits de l'homme en Haïti dans le contexte de la crise humanitaire et de la sécurité publique
Case 13.599 - Ariel Osvaldo Mollar vs Argentina
Human rights situation of LGBTIQ+ persons deprived of liberty in Venezuela
Human rights violations and states of exception in El Salvador
Situation of people deprived of liberty in Mexico.
Case 14.736- 37 People with disabilities detained in Casa Esperanza vs México