Project Reporting Database: DSD

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Sustainable Management of the River de la Plata Basin, regarding the effects of climate change variability on water resources The objective of this project is to promote the integrated and sustainable management of water resources in the River de la Plata Basin, particularly with respect to economic, social and environment development. It also seeks to support the evaluation and planning processes for the adaptation of the effects of climate change and variability on water resources. AR, BO, BR, PE, UY $10,700.00 2010
Sustainable Management of the transboundary forest ecosystem of the Gran Chaco Americano (II) The objective of this project is to reverse the negative effects of soil degradation in the Gran Chaco region through supporting sustainable management of the soil during harvesting. AR, BO, PE $3,450,000 2010
Regional Framework for the sustainable use of the Bravo River Basin The objective is to advance the integrated management of the Rio Bravo basin through the creation of a comprehensive binational program of actions based on ecosystems, the principals of integrated management of water resources, and sustainable use along the Rio Bravo basin. MX, US $4,000,000 2010
Sustainable Development Program for the Trifinio Region Honduras Contribute to the development of mechanisms and strategic action plans for sustainable development of the Trifinio region in Honduras in agriculture and integral development issues. HN, SV, GT $560,000 2012
Program for the Development of a Satellite System and Applications Based on Earth Observations – PROSAT (AR-Ll017) [Phase III] Strengthen scientific and engineering capability to design, build and successfully operate an advanced system of earth observation satellites. AR $8,400,000 2013
Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Aquifers in the Americas (ISARM Americas) The objective of this project is to improve the management of subterranean, transboundary water resources by ensuring the water is fit for human consumption and is utilized in a sustainable manner, by both current and future generations, without causing harm to the environment. Hemispheric N/A 2009
Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) Clearinghouse Phase V To support the efforts of OAS Member States to adopt clean energy alternatives, increase energy security, implement climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, and improve land use sustainability in urban and rural environments. To achieve this goal, the project will engage a wide array of energy stakeholders in a sustained dialogue around the seven fundamental pillars of ECPA, with the objective of improving collaboration and awareness on these issues. Hemispheric $1,200,000 2012
Metrology for Sustainable Energy Technologies and the Environment (Phase II) To strengthen measurement capabilities in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energies, air quality and greenhouse gases as means to support the deployment of sustainable energy technologies and foster low carbon economic growth Hemispheric $795,678.16 2016
Metrology for Energy Efficient Technology in Central America the Dominican Republic To strengthen capabilities of government officials and technical stakeholders to perform energy efficiency measurement and compliance assessments in equipment and appliances, as means to contribute to a sustainable energy policy development in the region. Hemispheric $776,275.86 2016
Caribbean Sustainable Energy Roadmap Strategy (CSERMS) To contribute to the efforts of Caribbean States to meet the demands for modern, secure, reliable, efficient, cost-effective energy services, strengthen energy security and curb greenhouse gas emissions. The Caribbean $1,200,000 2016
Western Hemisphere Migratory Species Initiative (WHMSI) To build upon existing WHMSI and other migratory species efforts to significantly enhance the conservation of shared migratory species throughout the Americas by strengthening institutional and human capacity, political commitment, international cooperation, and public-private partnerships at regional, national and local levels. Hemispheric $77,528 2011
Biodiversity Conservation Initiative for Mesoamerica The goal is to ensure the conservation of the last remaining landscapes in the region while improving quality of life for people. Hemispheric $42,627 2014
ReefFix To improve capacity of participating countries to value and measure ecosystem services and strengthen frameworks for coastal zone management. The Caribbean   2009
Sustainable Communities in Central America and the Caribbean (Phase I) To strengthen the capacity of NGOs and community associations in Central America and the Caribbean to build sustainable communities in the context of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA). Central America and the Caribbean $1,013,755 2012
Sustainable Communities in Central America and the Caribbean (Phase II) To strengthen the capacity of NGOs and community associations in Central America and the Caribbean to build sustainable communities in the context of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA). Central America and the Caribbean $1,049,820 2012
Monitoring Progress of the Environmental Cooperation Agenda in the DR-CAFTA countries and Web-based Communications and Digital Media Support for Environmental Cooperation N/A CAFTA-DO countries (GT, CR, HN, DO, VC, NI) and PA $332,865* 2005
Supporting the Establishment for Submissions on Environmental Enforcement Matters for the US-Peru trade Promotion N/A PE, US $745,279 2012

N/A (Not Applicable, Not Available).
[*] Separate awards, one project: $212,050 + $120,815 

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