Oscar Ceville

Mr. Ceville has been working in the Department of Sustainable Development since 2004 as an Environmental Specialist. His work has been focused on the linkages between trade and environment and public participation, particularly supporting member States identify the challenges and opportunities for sustainable development derived from economic integration, through the monitoring and evaluation of environmental cooperation projects and programs in the framework of free trade agreements and other mechanisms.

He is currently coordinating activities related to the Monitoring Progress of the Environmental Cooperation Agenda in the CAFTA-DR countries and the Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Initiative. He has been involved in several initiatives including coordinating the Environmental Health Program and the participation of civil society and indigenous peoples in sustainable development initiatives. He spent a year in Rome, Italy in 2007 where he obtained valuable experience working on the management of knowledge and information for development at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Additionally, Mr. Ceville has professional experience in both the private and public sector. He spent a significant number of years working as an Environmental Consultant in a private consulting firm, and as a Project Engineer for Panama’s Water and Wastewater Authority.

Mr. Ceville holds a Masters Degree in Environmental Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from Universidad Tecnologica de Panama. He is fluent in Spanish, English, French and has working knowledge of Italian and Portuguese.