May 31, 2017 - Washington DC
Colleague Ministers
Good afternoon,
Jamaica supports the position enunciated by the Honourable Minister of the Bahamas on behalf of CARICOM.
Jamaica's friendship with Venezuela is longstanding and strong. So too is our relationship with the Organization of American States (OAS). Our bonds with Venezuela date back to the refuge provided in 1815 to the great Liberator Simon Bolivar, where he wrote the Jamaica Letters and in whose memory a room in this great edifice is dedicated. Our regional and hemispheric positions are expressed at the OAS and through bilateral relationships. We are bound together not only by our shared historical, cultural and political experiences, but also by challenges we face as peoples of the Americas.
It is for these reasons that we have observed, and are gravely concerned by the continued deterioration of the situation in Venezuela, including the increasing violence, loss of life and damage to infrastructure, severe economic hardships for the people, and a hardening of deeply entrenched positions by both Government and opposition groups.
The situation in Venezuela is not solely a national issue, as its proportions have now made it a matter of regional as well as international concern.
The multilateral system is essential for safeguarding the interests of all States. We maintain the view that the OAS is the best regional mechanism which provides a framework that outlines a series of joint actions that deal with crises including the very important political, diplomatic and dialogue mechanisms designed to prevent the outbreak or escalation of crises.
As an active member of the OAS, and one which takes its international responsibility seriously, Jamaica will therefore, continue the take advantage of the good offices role of the OAS to help find meaningful and lasting solutions to regional challenges. Jamaica will continue to fulfill its obligations in trying to find diplomatic and pragmatic solutions to the situation in Venezuela. We continue to encourage dialogue and to hear the views of member states, including those of Venezuela, on developments in that country.
Admittedly, there are differing views among Member States and we respect the diversity of opinions and approaches, as a community of independent states. Notwithstanding, we are united in our view that respect for certain fundamental values and principles, including the maintenance of the rule of law, respect for human rights and democracy, as well as nonintervention in the internal affairs of states, are valuable and pertinent in addressing the grave concerns we have about the situation in Venezuela. For Jamaica, as for CARICOM States and others, suspension of Venezuela from the OAS is not desirable, and it is regrettable therefore, that Venezuela has decided to withdraw from membership of the OAS. Jamaica continues to highly favour of meaningful dialogue and discourages the isolation of Venezuela. We therefore invite the Government of Venezuela to reconsider that decision.
We will continue to express our friendship and solidarity with the Venezuelan people and maintain our conviction that it is imperative that the Venezuelan people be allowed find a peaceful and lasting national solution to the untenable situation in their country. We therefore, reiterate our desire to see all parties in Venezuela commit to engage in a renewed dialogue process and negotiation which will lead to a comprehensive, political agreement with established timetables, concrete actions and guarantees to ensure its implementation for the well being of Venezuela and its people.
As members of the regional community, Jamaica stands ready to lend any support that may be deemed appropriate and helpful. In that regard, we note that several modalities have been proposed today, we reiterate our willingness to participate in a Group of Friends mechanism, to offer any assistance that will facilitate renewed dialogue and negotiation between the Government and the opposition, so as to alleviate the serious challenges facing Venezuela and the people Of Venezuela.
Thank You.