Media Center

Press Release

OAS and UN Open the Global South-South Development Expo in Washington

  November 17, 2014

Leaders of international organizations and leading countries on the issue of development cooperation are participating from today until Friday in the Global South-South Development Expo sponsored by the Organization of American States (OAS) and co-organized with the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC).

The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, participated in today’s opening ceremony and noted that from the very start the OAS “has forged unity among the states of the Americas rooted in two basic convictions: that dialogue is preferable to conflict and that cooperation will be the natural fruit of that dialogue, therefore, cooperation is a core part of that dialogue."

Secretary General Insulza explained that the cooperation work carried out by the institution is guided by four fundamental pillars: democracy, human rights, security and development. In the field of democracy he explained that the OAS "has developed a significant system of cooperation that has allowed us to strengthen institutions and address, through the governments of the Americas, some of the principal problems besetting the peoples of the region.” Among the institutional achievements he highlighted the electoral observation system support for electoral institutions, and for civil registries, the strengthening of legislative branches and cooperation for effective governance.

“The OAS works to support the efforts of its member states in achieving sustainable and inclusive economic, human and social development. Together with security and human rights, the development-democracy nexus exemplifies the mutually reinforcing work of the Organization,” affirmed the leader of the hemispheric institution who also added that in the area of sustainable development the OAS “is known for the effective collaborative networks and communities of practice that have taken south-south cooperation to a new level and positioned the OAS as a solutions multiplier.”

Secretary General Insulza concluded by wishing success for the participants in this week’s event and expressing his hope that “that this house, home to dialogue and understanding, will foster encounters among actors from many backgrounds: those seeking solutions and those who can provide them; those who have financial resources and those who have projects that need to be financed; politicians and entrepreneurs, educators and students, so that they can form partnerships and associations that enable initiatives already tested in one area to be implemented and enhanced in another.”

The opening ceremony of the event, which was organized with the collaboration of several public and private and international entities, also featured presentations by the President of the General Assembly High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations, Abdulkalam Abdul Momen; the Envoy of the UN Secretary General and Director, UNOSSC, Yiping Zhou; the Permanent Representative of the Republic of South Africa to the UN, Ebrahim Rasool; the Under-Secretary-General and Associate Administrator of UNDP, Gina Casar; the Director General of the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Li Yong; the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Christian Friis Bach; the Secretary General of the Ibero-American Secretariat, Rebeca Grynspan; the Director of the OECD Development Cooperation Directorate, Jon Lomøy; the Director of the FAO Liaison Office for North America, Nicholas Nelson; the Director of the Regional Support Office of UNEP, Munyaradzi Chenjeon and the Director of Partnerships and Field Support of the International Labour Organization, Jürgen Schwettmann.

The OAS Secretary for External Relations, Alfonso Quiñonez, who moderated the inaugural event, affirmed that “the Global South-South Development Expo now has a significant seven year track record of showcasing innovative thought and solutions from the South to the many challenges facing the world. Its motto of ‘Solutions, Solutions, Solutions,’ challenges each of us, as practitioners, to find better and more effective solutions within our respective spheres of influence and areas of expertise.

The event that opened today will last until Friday November 21 and will include debates on issues such as “South-South Cooperation in Poverty Eradication-Responding to Ebola as a Development Crisis;” “Accelerating the Impact of South-South and Triangular Cooperation on Food Security Post-2015;” Global Partnerships for Infrastructure Development;” Accelerating Green Technology Transfer for Sustainable Development;” “South-South and Triangular Cooperation and Decent Work Post-2015;” South-South and Triangular Partnerships for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development;” “Green Economies are Sustainable Economies;” and “Global Health.” Moreover, the event will include conferences led by various agencies and a final Forum that will feature the participation of Ministers, municipal and city leaders, CEOs, and investors.

A gallery of photos of the event is available here.

The B-Roll of the event is available here.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-499/14