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Press Release

Message from the OAS Secretary General on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

  December 3, 2015

Persons with disabilities represent 15 percent of the world´s population, but they face various kinds of discrimination on a daily basis in the spheres of work, health, education, political participation, access to justice, and physical and communicational accessibility, among other areas. This prevents their full and effective development on equal footing with the rest of society.

In the case of the 21 countries of the Americas that signed the Inter-American Convention for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (CIADDIS), the moral obligation is added to their commitment to adopt the legislative, social, educational and work-related measures necessary to eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities and promote their full integration into society.

At the OAS we work to ensure that all people have the same opportunities and the resources necessary to participate fully in the economic, social, political and cultural life of their community, and that is why the fight against exclusion is a priority within our hemispheric agenda.

We recall the mandate of our Organization spelled out in its founding Charter: “to offer to man a land of liberty and a favorable environment for the development of his personality and the realization of his just aspirations.” And that mandate is complemented by our slogan of “More rights for more people,” operationalized by our Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equality (SADYE).

To help to contribute to the rights of persons with disabilities is not only a moral duty, but is also economically smart. The exclusion from the labor market of persons with disabilities results in a loss of between 3 and 7 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of countries, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO).

There are no excuses for inaction. The time for equal opportunities is now.

Reference: E-348/15